Before it happened… what are the odds it will.For something that has already happened? 1.
You are going in the direction of the silly multi-verse atheist escape clause. More fantasy land.
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Before it happened… what are the odds it will.For something that has already happened? 1.
You really don’t get this, do you…Bradskii:
Before it happened… what are the odds it will.For something that has already happened? 1.
You are going in the direction of the silly multi-verse atheist escape clause.
Right. It is aimless and has no foresight. It is not empirical and is a religion.There is no aim in evolution.
I’m putting the fact that you got 2 right out of 4 down as just dumb luck.Bradskii:
Right. It is aimless and has no foresight. It is not empirical and is a religion.There is no aim in evolution.
Nah. Evo advocates have proven it a religion. Talk about blind faith. It has to be. We know it. It cannot be design. Ahhh, no. No God, no God, no God. There is NO EMPIRICAL PROOF of evolution.I’m putting the fact that you got 2 right out of 4 down as just dumb luck.
Of course it would have played a role. As things fill certain niches, diversify, become reproductively isolated, etc… the diversity and specialization of millions of species is exactly what you’d expect.Wesrock:
And that of course would have had to have played a role in every plant and animal in existence that we have on the planet today…what do you think odds would be ?selective pressures out-compete less efficient forms for resources and in reproduction, tending towards increasing specialization and apparent refinement in the existing populations over billions if not trillions of permutations.
Every species currently alive.
There would have had to have been millions of perfect environmental pressures to trigger all this perfect DNA mutations.Techno2000:
Of course it would have played a role. As things fill certain niches, diversify, become reproductively isolated, etc… the diversity and specialization of millions of species is exactly what you’d expect.Wesrock:
And that of course would have had to have played a role in every plant and animal in existence that we have on the planet today…what do you think odds would be ?selective pressures out-compete less efficient forms for resources and in reproduction, tending towards increasing specialization and apparent refinement in the existing populations over billions if not trillions of permutations.
There would have to have been just the right scarce resources scenario popping up in the environment every 5 seconds to account for all the transitional stages that evolution supposedly needed to build the plant and animal kingdom we have today.scarce resources you’re going to see specialization and refinement.