Good evening Gary,
A friend introduced me to the intelligibility of the universe in the sense that the universe can be comprehended by the intellect. That sounds close to Intelligent Design but, at this point, in my humble observation, intelligibility of the universe is probably a cousin.
What I hope to do is to respond to your explanation to Charlemagne III with comments agreeing, disagreeing, and expanding. Nothing I offer is written in stone.
Good Evening Charlemagne: What I am suggesting is that you see laws because you have been trained to live by them and therefore you look for them in the world around you.
This training to see laws is an integral part of the natural instinct for survival and thus it is inherent in human nature.
The reason you fall when you jump off a building is because that’s the way gravity behaves. What I have suggested is that things like gravity behave as they do because it can be a learned or developed behavior or simply an acquired behavior.
I noticed “things” as a designation of what is being discussed. I can expand “things” to highly sentient beings such as apes and border collies. However, apparently gravity is a physical action which has always existed in situations involving vertical distance.
On the other hand, bacteria certainly “learns” or acquires dominance behavior, thereby setting new rules or laws which scientists in the medical arena are constantly looking for.
A law is not required to make things behave as they do.
Correct. In the physical/material world, a “law” is an intelligible explanation of what we have observed without prejudice.
After we have trained ourselves to look for laws governing the behavior of the world around us, the next thing we are inclined to do is to integrate this idea with our other belief systems, and therefore we look for some authority who put the laws in place.
This fits in especially with human’s inherent sense of the super-natural dating back to ancient myths.
Of course, we have been heavily conditioned in that area and we have a built in mental character to play that role, or in our case, the God of Abraham.
Or Zeus in ancient Greece. Just because curiosity about the super-natural has existed forever, that does not mean that all curious endeavors were correct or even good.
But while this might be true, it is not necessarily true, and in truth, we have no proof of there being such laws or of the God we claim put them In place.
This demonstrates the need for the true scientific (inductive) method. It is my understanding that Intelligent Design claims that there is a higher power, a greater independent power, which can devise physical/material “laws” that actually work.
My argument can be seen in the development of new chemical compounds. We know that these can be crystalized, however, the first few times you make a new compound, it is difficult to crystalize. The more times you make the compound, the easier it is to crystalize. Therefore, it cannot be said that the crystalization process is in accordance with a law on how a given compound crystalizes. It is a behavior that is reinforced over repetition and time. And repetition can be observed in practice in the fractal nature of the world around us.
This works, because the “WE” in “We know that these can be crystalized, however, the first few times you make a new compound, it is difficult to crystalize.” are rational beings.
All things we call laws can also be explained as developed behaviors.
As an observer of my universal environment, I cannot justify the words “All things…”
The “law” which explains the speed of light is not quite the same as the light per se.
As far as I know.
Everything I am suggesting is easily and clearly observable on our own, and they do not require laws, theologians, or experts of any sort to figure out if we are willing to do some observing and thinking. And we do not require explanations built on social conditioning such as the religions we were brought up in or in what we have been told by others without doing our own examination of the facts.
My observation is that theologians, experts of any sort, you, me, and our ancestors are rational human beings who have the capability to learn. What is interesting to me is that the universe is intelligible due to natural physical laws; therefore, we can learn them.
Seeds fell off of trees and plants and took root to grow news ones long before there were humans or agrarian cultures to plant them. In fact, it is entirely possible that the reverse is true, in that perhaps plants developed sentient creatures such as us as a means of pollination and spreading seeds.
My creative half loves this idea because one of my newer and smarter plants has developed my sensitivity to the fact that having water is not only a necessary law, it explains why there are friendly flowers. My serious half would love to discuss why plants and ants cannot develop real rational creatures. Plants and elephants cannot substitute for an intelligent (rational) Creator. Genesis 1: 1.
Please note that I am not an advocate of ID, even though I know some good people involved with it.
Thank you for the discussion opportunity. I do realize that I avoided referring to God and religious concepts. It is my free choice to choose physical science which is what interests me at the moment.
P.S. I am old enough to have done the hokey pokey.