Yet another example of the false identification of Design with Creationism and Fundamentalism which seems oblivious of the scandals in the Scientific Establishment…
I nearly had cornflakes all over the iPad reading that. Let’s look at a sequence of events:
Peter posts a link to a scientific paper.
The paper is written by people from the Biologic Institute.
That organisation is funded by the Discovery Institute.
A book called ‘Of Pandas and People’ was published in 1989 which goes into great detail about Intelligent Design. Writers include senior fellows of the DI Demski, Behe and Wells and also Meyer who helped found the DI.
Here’s a forward: Creation is the theory that various forms of life began abruptly, with their distinctive features already intact: Fish with fins and scales, birds with feathers and wings, mammals with fur and mammary glands.
When Creationism took a hammering at the Dover Trial, the book was re-issued. Every instance of the words creation or creationism was simply replaced by Intelligent Design or Intelligent Agent.
If you don’t want people identifying ID with Creationism, then do your best to avoid any mention of the Design Institute.
What is that called again?
Is that called empiricism? Or is that called faith?
Neither. It’s called, as I said, trust. If I read an incredibly complex scientific paper I don’t want to have to spend a dozen years getting up to speed on the particular subject so that I can trust the conclusion it makes. I can’t trust the writers of a paper which is involved with evolution if it is funded by the DI. Just as I wouldn’t trust a paper on the benefits of smoking if it were funded by a tobacco company.
This is basic common sense. Nothing more. Nothing less.
I suppose you missed the connection between Bradski being an atheist and his contention that the theory of evolution, at least on his view, means, precisely that no God is needed to bring about life.
He missed it because it doesn’t exist. I have repeatedly said that to all intents and purposes I will accept that God started life and has set up the necessary conditions so that it can evolve. Again, I will say that if you want to believe that God is the cause of all of this, then that’s fine.
Yes, it was by God’s Almighty hand. And we now know how He did it.
But you knew that was my position all along, so I why misrepresent it?
Which 99.9 percent of designs failed?
All the ones that existed over the last few billion years that now don’t exist.
Nobody can miss the apparent and perceived connection between atheism and evolution, unless you have never heard of Richard Dawkins.
It is simply wrong…
Indeed it is. But do you know the one thing you can say about any proponent of ID? It’s even too obvious to mention.
I imagine you with a twirly moustache doing this, peeping behind a black cape, with a flash of lightning and thunder in the background.