Then, she called me the next day, came over, we talked, and had an enjoyable weekend. Which completely submarined what we had just gone through. I am guessing she feels my willingness to spend time with her is implicit acdeptance of her decision, but it isn’t. Now I have to bring it up, AGAIN.
Yes, it is. She’s right to interpret your actions the way she is.
You are wrong for sending her mixed signals.
You don’t need to bring it up, AGAIN, or EVER again.
Just stop acting contrary to your words.
Sad thing is, I guess I am afraid that I won’t find someone who loves me or is as devoted to me as she is.
She isn’t devoted to
you. She’s devoted to the relationship. Big difference.
Silly, I know. I just look at the future without her and see a huge hole. Yet when I am single, and not in love, I have always loved it, and be quite happy. I don’t really have problems meeting women, and I have met a few Catholic women who would love to go out. But I feel that is unfair until I get my heart and head screwed on right and this settled.** I just wish i was less hesitant to take a stand**, and I am afraid I will look back and say “if only I had been more patient.” I’d hate that if I felt I had given up on a good girl.
Hmmm…why **are **you so hesitant?
Again, your actions are not representing your words.
You profess yourself to be a devout Catholic who insistst on raising a Catholic family, marrying a Catholic woman,
and yet, you do not trust in the Lord enough to let Him lead you.
You are afraid if you say “yes” to her, she will let you down.
You are afraid if you say “no” to her, you will lose her.
You are afraid you won’t find another woman to marry.
You say you are not afraid to be alone.
But the way you cling to the prospect of being so close to marriage with this woman, who does not meet your standards, says you
are afraid to be alone, especially when you think there will be no other woman to fill your expectations of this one.
Marriage is as much a calling as Holy Orders.
It may be quite possible that you are not meant to marry.
You should be comfortable with that possibility especially if you are as devout as you are, because you would fill your time serving the Lord through your parish and prayer.
If marriage is your calling, as you appear to want it to be, then you must trust in the Lord to show you which woman it is He designed for you.
The indications so far do not suggest this is the woman the Lord has chosen, and yet your hesitation indicates you do not trust Him after all.
Pray to discern His will in this matter.
Pray to follow through on whatever that may be.
Pray to put a stop to the hesitation and the mixed signals.
May your actions confirm your words and thoughts from this day forward.