Is America too divided?

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And that’s a problem. His brusque ness, and seeming indifference to the effect it has, not to mention his insistence on using terms that have very specific connotations such as nationalist… embolden the fringe right.
I’ve said it time and time again. Temperament is everything. If something doesn’t evoke the right emotions then it must be completely wrong. Math used to strike me that way. Fractions made me feel just awful. So, I decided to become intolerant of fractions. Before long, I developed a general bias against all irrational numbers. Just the sight of numbers started to upset me. Eventually, I decided to stop balancing my checkbook or doing my taxes. Finally, the mortgage became overdue, the IRS garnished my wages and I lost my house. I’m posting this from the public library. So, I know what you mean about temperament. It’s so important. No one will ever Make Math Great Again for me! They’re closing now so I have to go. Bye. 😎
The Leftist media is largely to blame for division in America. They demonize those who are threats to advancement of their pro-abortion, powerful centralized government control (anti-freedom), anti-religious liberty agenda. And, the Leftist media did not spend much (if any) time covering the following attacks on Republicans:
  • Rand Paul was seriously injured by Democrat neighbor
  • Oct. 16 ricin was sent in a letter to the Susan Collins home
  • Oct. 12 antifa smashed windows and defaced doors of Metropolitan Republican Club in Manhattan
  • Oct 11 Truck with “2020” bumper sticker was sent on fire
  • Susan Rice’s Republican son was assaulted at pro-Kavanaugh event
  • Oct 3 ricin and threatening letter was sent to President Trump
  • Oct 2 two were hospitalized after exposure to powdery substance at the Ted Cruz Houston office
  • Sept 6 arson at GOP headquarters in Laramie, Wyoming
  • July 26 Fayette County Kentucky GOP headquarters is vandalized
  • July 10 Portland ICE officer is assaulted
  • July 3 Nebraska GOP office is vandalized
  • 2 Minnesota Republicans were assaulted, and Shane Mekeland is still recovering from a concussion
  • Don Jr’s ex-wife was hospitalized because of white powder in mail
  • boulder was sent through Kevin McCarthy’s office
  • McConnell, Sarah Sanders, Kirstjen Nielson, Charlie Kirk, Candace Owens, Ted Cruz
    all were harassed out of restaurants
  • Democratic Missouri State Senator, Madonna, DeNiro, Peter Fonda, etc. all make vicious suggestions regarding Trump or his family
How is this victim blaming?
I don’t get it. The POTUS says he wants people to take steps to make themselves safer and it’s called victim blaming. That really just seems to be uncharitable and putting the worst spin possible on his words. Not to mention taking them out of context. If you don’t like Trump, I get it. He’s a lot like a rude bull
There’s always been a divide, yes. And there have always been extremists who called names, etc. But it wasn’t like it is now. I’m so old 😉 I can remember Democrats and Republicans disagreeing on actual issues , without calling each other libtards and fascists, etc. I even remember when racism was something to be condemned, not reflexively defended by trying to brand it as something else.
Of course it is - he is saying victims could and should do more. Which is sending a strong messge that they weren’t already doing enough and therefore it is partly or completely their own fault.
I think this is a twisted way to look at a president putting forth a solution to what he has repeatedly said is a national tragedy. You may not like his solution, I don’t particularly like it and HE even said he didn’t like it, but in no way is this victim shaming. “Well, it’s their own fault if the won’t arm worshipers” is an example of victim shaming.
This is simply, as far as I can see, a case of ‘let me tell YOU what YOU should do - and hang actually helping you to do it in any way shape or form’.
I think one of the things a president gets to do is say “Let me tell you what you should do”. Also, armed guard costs 18-25 dollars an hour. Which congregation of hundreds of people can’t afford that? I get it if you don’t think it’s a reasonable solution…lots of people feel that way and for good reason. But your twist of his words seems like a strong bias. Also,
hang actually helping you to do it in any way shape or form’.
You mean, the guy who has donated his presidential salary, plus writing a check each quarter in the amount of one fourth of his salary to various federal agencies? Doesn’t sound like “hang actually helping you do it”. Sounds like someone who would like to help, whether his advice is good or not good.
It’s always been this way to an extent. It’s just all filmed and out in the open now. And the advent of social media has given the fringe movements of both sides (alt right, facists, white supremacists, communists, conspiracy nuts, etc…) an outsized powerful voice.
Good point
What America needs is a common set of values.
We have one…Satan. But, you’re right…remember 9/11?
While it hasn’t always been like this, there have been many times we’ve been divided. The Vietnam war, the Civil Rights movement, before WWII, and the worst was the abolitionist movement and Civil War.
Terrible times. But this feels like terrible times, too.
People make politics into their god…
he in no way blamed anyone but the gunman
Please, please do not contribute to hysteria…
No problem if you don’t like him or his policies…but don’t put words in his mouth that he didn’t say
It suggests that I should have to live in a society full of guns everywhere I go just so that the people who want to run around with them can do so.
This WAS the point of the second amendment to the Constitution of the United States…people have the right to bear arms. You have the right to NOT bear arms.
The voters are gullible, but not evil.
So you feel we either shouldn’t vote or vote Democrat?
won’t have the money to pay armed guards
18-25 dollars an hour just doesn’t seem that expensive, although I suppose it varies. If you’re tithing, and most of us do, 3-5 people’s donations could cover 3 armed guards for an hour. Double that and they would be there for some time before and some time afterward. It’s not unusual for congregations to number in the hundreds.
Of course they have their own interests at heart
I agree, although I REALLY don’t think this is exclusive to the Republican Party!
Politics aside, I don’t think we should necessarily expect unity among the people of a nation
An interesting point!
in order to keep us distracted
I wish people who throw around the Constitution would learn a bit about how it works. The Constitution is a document that was made to be amended as needed. Which is why women can vote now whereas before women couldn’t, which is why African Americans are a whole human being now, because in the original iteration they were a fraction of a human being. Because amendments were added that made it so. It is not a religious text to be left “as is” for the ages. It is for each generation to update as required as needs dictate. This generation needs restrictions on nut jobs owning semi automatic weapons. When someone’s right to bear arms threatens the right to life and security for the rest of us, an amendment is needed.

That said, the right to bear arms in the 1700’s meant a single shot flint lock musket that couldn’t hit the side of a barn and took long enough to reload to allow even the slowest of people to escape or defend themselves. It has no analog in the weapons available today. And that can be fixed by the very Constitution you have called upon to support the lunacy that is going on in the US these days. That would be a poetically perfect solution.

But you can keep the coonskin hat if you like.

All the best!
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So you feel we either shouldn’t vote or vote Democrat?
No, I didn’t say that. Both Democrat and Republican candidates take full advantage of ill-informed and credulous voters. We should vote, but more wisely. If we did that, we might have more honest and wise candidates on both sides.
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Yes, we most certainly are the most divided we have ever been. The two different general views of life that predominate today, liberal v. conservative, are two miles apart. What one side believes, the other side abhors. What the other side believes, the first side abhors. We aren’t talking about slight differences of opinion here, but huge differences in what we believe and how we wish to live. While things that divides us in the past usually centered around a single issue, today’s differences involve just about everything in life. Our views concerning abortion, homosexual activity and rights, transgender rights, morality, immigration, our criminal justice system, applying the Constitution, government spending, freedom of speech, the role of government in our lives, what the Church teaches, etc., are so incredibly in opposition to each other. What each side says is common sense to them, the other side sees as nonsense. Just recently, the fight over Justice Kavanaugh is a perfect example of our incredibly wide differences on the way we see things. These wide differences are manifested in both politics and religion.

There is no way for everyone to come together unless one side gives up what they believe in, which isn’t going to happen.
Besides, an assault weapon is only “tool” a single woman would stand a chance against a couple of men invading her home.
It is not unconstitutional to many. There are different ways of interpreting the Constitution.

No, a single woman does not need an assault weapon. In fact, she would have have no business having one. Most women on their own live paycheck-to-paycheck and couldn’t afford one if they wanted one.

Buying one that’s mil-spec will probably cost $1,200 or more. But ARs are a platform, not an individual rifle. You can buy or build that one that’s suitable for mid-range accuracy (600 yards), 3-gun competition, or home defense, and they can cost anywhere for $600 to $2,500 .

Allowing civilians to have assault weapons is a recipe for disaster and tragedy as we’ve seen. If her home is invaded by a group, she doesn’t stand a chance anyway, assault weapon or not Multiple intruders in anyone’s home will likely have weapons ready to shoot. What’do you think they’re going to do? Wait patiently while the woman goes and retrieves her assault weapon? Or do you think she’s going to keep it loaded and ready at her side 24/7? That’s not the way for anyone to live life. And, if she shoots unarmed intruders, she will will be one going to prison, not the intruders.
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There is no way for everyone to come together unless one side gives up what they believe in, which isn’t going to happen.
Usually both sides give some, they reach a compromise. There is no reason for one side to give up everything to the other side.
That said, the right to bear arms in the 1700’s meant a single shot flint lock musket that couldn’t hit the side of a barn and took long enough to reload to allow even the slowest of people to escape or defend themselves. It has no analog in the weapons available today. And that can be fixed by the very Constitution you have called upon to support the lunacy that is going on in the US these days. That would be a poetically perfect solution.
Agree 100%.
You are quite correct. Blades are much safer than guns. We never had any trouble until guns were invented. 😎
No, we didn’t have lone men entering churches, synagogues, and schools and simply mowing innocent people down. With the first victim, he’d be tackled and disarmed by the other innocents. And you know that.
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Your historical prowess is certainly unmatched here. Indeed, no medieval barbarians with only swords ever attacked a church or monastery or convent or, not to mention, conquered the entire City of Rome. 😎

Yeh, let’s go with that.

By the way, none of these events ever happened, either. Thank goodness… It must have all been a bad dream…

Indeed. 😎
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I wish people who throw around the Constitution would learn a bit about how it works. The Constitution is a document that was made to be amended as needed. Which is why women can vote now whereas before women couldn’t, which is why African Americans are a whole human being now, because in the original iteration they were a fraction of a human being. Because amendments were added that made it so. It is not a religious text to be left “as is” for the ages. It is for each generation to update as required as needs dictate. This generation needs restrictions on nut jobs owning semi automatic weapons. When someone’s right to bear arms threatens the right to life and security for the rest of us, an amendment is needed.

That said, the right to bear arms in the 1700’s meant a single shot flint lock musket that couldn’t hit the side of a barn and took long enough to reload to allow even the slowest of people to escape or defend themselves. It has no analog in the weapons available today. And that can be fixed by the very Constitution you have called upon to support the lunacy that is going on in the US these days. That would be a poetically perfect solution.

But you can keep the coonskin hat if you like.

All the best!
Look, you can agree or disagree with me, but truly, there’s no need to be nasty. I feel strongly that the second amendment should be upheld and you don’t. You also haven’t addressed WHY it is that the second amendment was created…the need to make sure that Joe Citizen not only had a means to feed his family, but also because history has shown that there are times when citizens need to protect themselves against the over reach of government. That’s fine, because you’re entitled to your opinion. But your snark and personal attacks are a great example of WHY America is so divided. When you feel your opinion is so important to express that it justifies your contempt for another, then you have become a part of the problem.
In fact, she would have have no business having one.
How do you believe a single woman, vulnerable to rape, robbery, assault, theft, etc should protect herself?
I will never understand America’s one eyed argument for guns. So much emphasis on individual rights while failing to understand that living in a socially cohesive society requires members to compromise their ‘rights’ to a certain extent.

Australia had one mass shooting in the 90s. The Prime Minister of the time legislated a buy back purchasing scheme and made gun licences illegal for most the population.

We have not had a mass shooting since. There is a false rumour that sexual assaults rose after this time although that has been disproven many times over.

Providing the populus with even more guns is insane. Most of the civilised world simply do not understand the insistent argument for gun rights.
How do you believe a single woman, vulnerable to rape, robbery, assault, theft, etc should protect herself?
With common sense, and that does not include using an assault rifle. I have never owned a gun of any kind, and I have never been raped or physically assaulted. I was robbed of $10,000 in the South of France in a hotel parking lot when a guy maneuvered a motorcycle close to me, and a girl on the back grabbed my purse. However, I don’t think anyone, man or woman, would be holding an assault rife in a hotel parking lot. I didn’t use common sense in standing in a vulnerable position in the parking lot or in carrying $10,000 in my purse. Lesson learned.

Anyone who would have shot the robbers, who were unarmed, would have been arrested. In France, as in most places, meeting non-deadly force with deadly force is against the law.

Violence against men, women, and children is a huge problem, but attempting to solve it with more violence isn’t the answer and will only add to the problem.
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I’ve seen a few people mention the need for guns due to the possibility of government overreach. At the time in history that was written a militia may have stood a chance but I ask you to consider the following:

The government has trained operatives that can seek and find within a climate of deserts and caves, (think Bin Laden here), aerodynamic bomber planes, smart bombs, precision missiles, tanks and high powered automatic gunning power.

come again?? Best Wishes!~
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