Is any TV show immune to the left's agenda?

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GLAAD is global. Like Hollywood. And Hollywood is showing those movies in other countries.
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So a national level advocacy group is tracking and publishing statistics but nobody really pays them any attention?
SIGH, come on Mike, that is not what I said and you know that. They advocate for their position, like lots of other advocacy groups. The idea that GLAAD controls Hollywood is a bit ridiculous.
GLAAD will hold Hollywood responsible if Hollywood doesn’t do what they say. No one used the term “controls Hollywood.” Like a recent abortion decision in one State in America where some studios felt compelled to stop doing work there, powerful people can act against Hollywood. That’s right. Investors can pull funding.
SIGH, come on Mike, that is not what I said and you know that. They advocate for their position, like lots of other advocacy groups. The idea that GLAAD controls Hollywood is a bit ridiculous.
Leading the conversation. Shaping the media narrative. Changing the culture. That’s GLAAD at work.

GLAAD rewrites the script for LGBTQ acceptance . As a dynamic media force, GLAAD tackles tough issues to shape the narrative and provoke dialogue that leads to cultural change.

Yes, to the degree that they can control the media message, they do it. You bet they do.
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Please. There are lots of posts in this thread equating broad swaths of the population with evil, alleging Satanic influence, immoral motives and so on. Tin foil is pretty mild in comparison.
Wouldn’t you say that having the motive that immoral sexual standards should become fully acceptable everywhere is an immoral motive? As for believing that Satan literally influences human affairs, even the Popes say as much. Getting into personal attacks crosses a line, but that is not paranoid behavior, either. Being uncharitable and literally suffering from a paranoia disorder are two very different things.

I really do not see what “broad swaths of the population” has to do with anything. It is entirely possible for broad swatch of the population to be lost in the hinterlands of immoral beliefs. Based on the 20th century, what would you say tends to happen when “broad swaths of the population” either condemn Christian morality or don’t dare to speak in defense of it?

I’d like to say it is paranoid to be concerned about what happens to societies when “broad swaths of the population” will not tolerate plainly stating moral law, but anybody who has read the history of Earth since the invention of the radio has to admit that we know better.

I will agree that I, too, think some of the rhetoric on these threads gets excessive sometimes. Accusing people in the early 21st century of wearing tinfoil hats because they believe in the power of a relatively small minority to manipulate the public through the media also crosses a line, though. It is only paranoia when someone stirs up the fear of something that can’t reasonably be happening, right?

After all–what is Mr. Trump being accused of doing with the 2016 election? Literally stuffing ballot boxes? No, he’s being accused of possibly welcoming and cooperating with foreign election interference in the form of covert disinformation campaigns.
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Christians know the devil exists. And they know he is aggressively bent on the seduction of as many souls as possible. His agenda is diametrically opposed to God’s agenda, including God’s holy plan for marriage, family, and human sexual relations. There are many people deluded by the devil into doing his work for him.
Which part of this don’t you understand?
Do you renounce Satan and all his works?
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I think that complaining about a mild and obviously in jest comment while simultaneously condemning large groups of people is a bit hypocritical. Obviously you are entitled to think that most of America is Satanic, if that is really what you think, but when you publicly call people evil and immoral some people are going to push back.
Christians know the devil exists. And they know he is aggressively bent on the seduction of as many souls as possible. His agenda is diametrically opposed to God’s agenda, including God’s holy plan for marriage, family, and human sexual relations. There are many people deluded by the devil into doing his work for him.
Which part of this don’t you understand?
Do you renounce Satan and all his works?
I renounce the notion that you are the arbiter of who is Satanic and who is not.

I don’t pretend to have a full grasp of God or His agenda. I am just trying my best to live a good and proper life. I think that is what almost everyone is trying to do, gay or straight.
The ones aimed at teenagers.

Of course they weasled it by using phrases like “when you’re ready” (as if any teenager doesnt see themselves as incredibly mature 😏).

And that was the time condom distribution in schools gained traction.
Remember The Hogan Family (aka Valerie and Valerie’s Family)?
That was one with a Very Special Episode.
Family Ties had one, and Facts of Life and Mr Belvedere and Growing Pains and others.
The characters didn’t always go “all the way” 😏 but it was held out as an option if you were mature enough.
Certainly the morality of it was never even brought up.

The shows with grown up characters, it was just assumed all romance ended up in bed.
Yes. Somehow it was never assumed that romance ended first in marriage, and only then in bed.
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Unfortunately, Hollywood worships the following:
  1. Profanity
  2. Nudity
  3. Heterosexual sexual immorality
  4. LGBTQ sexual immorality
They want Christians to like all of the above.
I absolutely agree with you.

Some posters have expressed doubt that there is any “agenda” by the left.

Anyone who writes a screenplay or stage play has an “agenda”. Anyone who produces that screenplay or stage play has an agenda.

Often, the agenda is good and wholesome. E.g., the old play “Arsenic and Old Lace” was written as pure entertainment, mainly to make people laugh!

I believe that the TV show, Will and Grace, was created to present homosexuals as “just like everyone else” with the intention of making homosexuality become mainstream.
The gay man was handsome, masculine, smart, employed, and popular. Up until then, most homosexual men were presented in television as “effeminate, over-the-top, overly-concerned with appearance and decor, and constantly searching for a lover.” (Consider the re-occurring skit, “Men On Film” in the television show, “In Living Color.”)

The play that my daughter is currently involved in has the agenda of presenting an injustice against women and making the audience consider getting involved in fighting the injustice. It is a powerful play, almost too intense for many of us.

People do not create art in a vacuum. I have written novels about synchronized skating, and my purpose was not just to write fun stories about a sport I love. I also had the purpose of informing people about the existence of the sport and what happens not only on the ice, but outside of the rink in the lives of the skaters, parents, and coaches. I want the sport to become popular with the public! (So far, my novels have failed to make this happen, so my “agenda” has failed.)

As I have argued in other posts in this thread, many of the people involved with the entertainment industry are in some way living in ways that are not “Christian.” When writing scripts or producing shows, they, like every other creative person, will have a vision of what they want people to do, think, say after seeing the show. It’s highly unlikely that they want people “just to have a laugh and sing a song.”
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Hollywood is work for hire. Say you are a member of the Writers Guild. You have an agent. That agent gives Hollywood what Hollywood wants. Any studio will return any envelope they think has a manuscript in it. This is a fact. The Script Editors at major studios review the manuscripts that come in. The majority are bad, just like the fiction manuscripts I see. A few are good enough but the Writers Guild has over 7,000 members and Hollywood can only do so many movies a year. The same with TV.

Hollywood doesn’t care about individual agendas. You work for them. That is, if your screenplay is approved. After that, some Producer or Producers have to be convinced to pay for actual production. They usually want changes. They usually don’t consult the writer. They might, but not usually. Especially when the writer is being paid 8 figures.

Art and commercial art are two different things. The artist creates what he wants, the commercial artist, if he’s done the research, knows what the market wants. And he follows his clients’ instructions.

I’ve had the good fortune to do some writing in a highly creative environment, but I’ve been told, “We may use some or none of it.” Rewriting is what happens.
Many things exist that I don’t need to see on TV. After viewing numerous horrific crimes on episodes of “Law and Order, Special Victims Unit,” I am ready for “Law and Order, Misdemeanor Unit.” Sgt. Friday, carry on.
“The Walking Dead” really had to outdo itself by making the character nicknamed “Jesus” gay.
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