Is any TV show immune to the left's agenda?

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That’s nonsense. A member of the intelligence community, in a televised statement, identified him as a threat to security. He is a distorted version of America and a threat to international diplomacy. He represents anarchist, not American, values and ideals.
I agree…he does BUT that isn’t what the President is SUPPOSED to represent and that is a problem. In my view, a big one. I don’t feel that I’m required to agree with everything any President has views on but I am supposed to respect the man that holds that office. This President has made a mockery of the office…and I’m not referring to his politics…but to the man holding that office.

I didn’t agree with many of Obama’s views either but he treated his office with the respect it deserves.
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The Far Left has nothing better to do than to adopt causes and declare themselves “champions of the oppressed.” Their motives are not legitimate. They use others to get glory and praise for themselves. You should understand that. Doing something without personal gain is foreign to them.
The fact that some people propose themselves as heroes has nothing to do with whether or not there are people who are actually oppressed, impoverished or subject to gross injustice. Our duties have nothing whatsoever to do with whether or not some other people are making meeting those duties purely a means of self-aggrandizement. Our duties are the same, regardless; their motives are none of our concern, but only whether we have a duty before us.

St. Paul did not disdain the work of those doing actual good out of bad motives, even in the preaching of the Gospel:
Of course, some preach Christ from envy and rivalry, others from good will. The latter act out of love, aware that I am here for the defense of the gospel; the former proclaim Christ out of selfish ambition, not from pure motives, thinking that they will cause me trouble in my imprisonment. What difference does it make, as long as in every way, whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is being proclaimed? And in that I rejoice. Phil 1:15-18

Our concern is not so much the motives of others but what they are actually accomplishing and the means they are using to do it. After all, if someone is accomplishing things counter to the good, they can have the best motives in the world and it wouldn’t remove the damage they are doing!
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The poor and the oppressed will be here for a long time. The Left has no God. You should understand that.
The poor and the oppressed will be here for a long time. The Left has no God. You should understand that.
Nowhere are we commanded to avoid doing our duty because evil people do the same things for false reasons.

Our duties towards the hungry, the thirsty, the sick, the imprisoned and the stranger have nothing whatsoever to do with the Left or the Right or the Upside Down or the Sideways and what we think their relationship with God is. No, the warning concerning who will be accounted with the sheep and who will be turned as if goats did not depend on any of that! If anything, we have been specifically commanded to avoid judging how any other soul stands judged before God, and everyone here has been taught that truth a hundred times over.
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Nor do you. You argue simply to be argumentative. I have read enough of your posts to understand that.
He has the facts that regardless of what “too many Christians” do or don’t do, the US bishops side with the President when he sides with the Gospel and oppose him when he doesn’t. They aren’t guaranteed to be perfect in every statement they make or every assessment of the facts they make, but so far I’d say they haven’t been cowed by the President’s popularity.

As for what the entertainment business does, everything he has been saying is supported by public statements made by GLAAD (as an example). I don’t know who there is who is disputing it. The only dispute is whether the objectives of those using popular entertainment to change societal mores and destroy societal taboos are moral or immoral, not what their objectives are nor the means they are using to achieve them. That is not in question.
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The objectives of GLAAD are immoral. There is no debate. And they will exert all pressure they can bring to bear on Hollywood to make that happen.

“Breaking down barriers.” Immoral
“Overturning taboos.” Immoral
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The objectives of GLAAD are immoral. There is no debate. And they will exert all pressure they can bring to bear on Hollywood to make that happen.
I agree with you. I am only saying that they aren’t hiding either their objectives or the means they are using to achieve them. They say they are good ends; our Faith says that normalizing immorality (rather than merely fighting the personal demonization of people with certain propensities) is an bad objective that leads to evil ends because it leads people away from the truth. There is no question about what they’ve been doing, though, whether or not our fellow Catholics want to believe it.

It is not calumny to say someone has been doing exactly what they have said and regularly documenting that they have been doing!! People who think we’re slandering the LGBTQ community by saying that they’re using the media to change attitudes towards their moral standards are just plain wrong and it is not hard to come up with evidence to show it. They are doing it. Even they say they are doing it! I agree with you on that, because it doesn’t take an insider view to confirm it!! This isn’t a matter for debate!
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Not relevant to TV.
It is relevant to:
The Far Left has nothing better to do than to adopt causes and declare themselves “champions of the oppressed.” Their motives are not legitimate. They use others to get glory and praise for themselves. You should understand that. Doing something without personal gain is foreign to them.
The fact that some people propose themselves as heroes has nothing to do with whether or not there are people who are actually oppressed, impoverished or subject to gross injustice.
The poor and the oppressed will be here for a long time. The Left has no God. You should understand that.
I’m saying that when the Left or the Right or whoever champions doing what is right, it is irrelevant that other times they champion doing what is wrong. We can oppose them when they are wrong-headed and yet also support what they’re trying to do when it is just. We aren’t duty-bound to make people who are wrong-headed into enemies we always oppose regardless of what they’re doing.
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I forgot the word, indoctrination.
Hollywood is using children’s programming to recruit and indoctrinate. “Drag queen story hours” indoctrinate, recruit and groom.
And the devil is pulling all of their strings.
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You are being far too narrow. The Left will always be a problem.
Yes, and there are those on the Right who will always be a problem. The duty is to correct them when they are wrong, not to demonize them personally or to dismiss everything good that they do as tainted by the wrong that they do and say. I don’t think there is any support for that in the teachings of our Faith, nor in the plain meaning of the New Testament.

I am not talking about saying “oh, this is Christian even though it is teaching things contrary to the Gospel because the people saying this do so many other things according to the Gospel.” I am not talking about some imagined right to be counted as being in good standing with the Church or the Faith because someone is outstanding in one area even though they cling to objective evil in some other area. I’m talking about dealing with outsiders.
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You are purposely being difficult. Our Christian duty is not the issue here. Yes, we are taught to deal with outsiders fairly. We must understand why they do the things they do. The Left does what it can to demonize Christians while claiming to be champions of the oppressed. No one gets to pick and choose like that. The Left will say Christians are harmful but that is because we oppose the things they love - especially immoral sex.

I don’t dismiss whatever good others do. But they will not live in peace with others.
You are purposely being difficult…I don’t dismiss whatever good others do.
I’m sorry you find me difficult; I am not trying to irritate you. I’m only objecting to blanket statements that do literally dismiss whatever good others do, such as:
Their motives are not legitimate. They use others to get glory and praise for themselves… Doing something without personal gain is foreign to them.
That statement literally says that no one in this vaguely-defined “they” you call the “Left” does anything unless there is something in it for them. How can I not object to a statement like that? Maybe you are only refering to a limited group of people you know well, but that is not what you wrote.

Do I believe that there are people in Hollywood so wedded to an agenda opposed to Christian morality that they will literally blackball anybody who won’t cowtow to it? I don’t have direct evidence such as GLAAD provides for their open agenda, but it is not beyond reason to believe it is true. I am only objecting to painting everyone who has swallowed a false sexual morality as to be morally bereft in every respect. That goes too far.
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Look at it this way. Anyone, individual or group, who does not love what the Left loves is the enemy. Full stop.

Or -

I stop acting so Christian and what happens? The Left praises me, they hold me up as a “good” example. I will get the “benefit” of their compassion. Oh how will they love me.

And you bring up a very real social issue for what? To show how two-faced the Left is? What they believe is lived out. It is as Orthodox as any Orthodox religion. They deny their true humanity for something else. But they are still God’s children.
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Look at it this way. Anyone, individual or group, who does not love what the Left loves is the enemy. Full stop.

Or -

I stop acting so Christian and what happens? The Left praises me, they hold me up as a “good” example. I will get the “benefit” of their compassion. Oh how will they love me.

And you bring up a very real social issue for what? To show how two-faced the Left is?
I bring it up because we can’t fight what they do by acting as they act.
If they are doing something worthwhile, great, I’ll recognize it as worthwhile, even if they wouldn’t do this for us. I won’t let whatever good they do or propose others do become an excuse for what they do that is wrong or what they say that is misleading. That is different that dismissing everything they do as being tainted by bad motives. Our Lord could do that, as He actually could see into the hearts of others and has the authority to judge hearts. We are strictly forbidden from doing that. We may only judge actions or the articulation of principles; we have to leave the judgment of unspoken motives to God.
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Alright, I understand. I am only pointing out that in the absence of belief in God, false gods come into play. False teachers. I know the judgment of hearts is reserved to God. I have watched the carnage caused by Leftists and radicals who are their own god. For those with a lot of money and power, as Hollywood has today, the ability to propagandize the world and to manipulate and control others is unprecedented.

Again, I do not dismiss anything good done by anyone. I don’t look at people and wonder: Is he a Leftist or an anything. I don’t. I see a person. That’s all.
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