Is any TV show immune to the left's agenda?

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The truth is a bad approach?
Once again, no one here has any authority whatsoever to judge how I teach at a Roman Catholic school.
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The truth is a bad approach?
No, but the tone matters.
Once again, no one here has any authority whatsoever to judge how I teach at a Roman Catholic school.
You don’t have authority to judge filmmakers, so logically speaking this makes not much sense. As a safeguard I will say that I have issues with your objection and not with judging the filmmakers.
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For the last time–and please listen carefully: you are not my principal. You are not my school’s pastor. And you are most certainly not my judge. I will teach the Catholic Catechism.
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And I believe the word “objectively” in the Catechism refers to the object of the attraction–someone of the same sex. It is a disordered attraction. Presenting it as anything other than disordered would make me a liar. Or worse.
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For the last time–and please listen carefully: you are not my principal. You are not my school’s pastor. And you are most certainly not my judge. I will teach the Catholic Catechism.
I suspect your students only learn one thing from your teaching method, and at isn’t what you think they are learning.
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The flag thing doesn’t seem to be working. Moderators? Are people here allowed to accuse others of being liars?
Nice try. I read your previous post. “I suspect you aren’t a teacher at all.”

As far as my teaching CATHOLIC truth–the Catechism to be exact-- at a CATHOLIC school, I could care less what anyone else here thinks. My principal is well aware of my views on the wickedness of secular culture, and my resistance to accommodation in the slightest. In fact, she approves.
Goodbye. Muting thread now. Sad to see what vehemently anti-Catholic arguments are tolerated here.
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Sad to see what vehemently anti-Catholic arguments are tolerated here.
Advocating for meekness isn’t anti-Catholic. The Catechism is good, but the lack of sweetness and rocky personality is the issue here.
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Did you know that Marvel Studios announced they are casting a deaf woman on The Eternals?

I’m thrilled for Lauren Ridloff & our Deaf community to be part of Marvel Cinematic Universe.
That is great news! The Daredevil character is blind and Catholic, maybe somehow they will work together in the “universe.”
Daredevil ain’t going anywhere in Phase 4. The Eternals don’t need him at all. Lauren is going to be fine playing with other famous actors. In fact, I don’t want Daredevil at all… he’s not that interesting at all. It’s been told already in the movie & streaming TV show.
Being a drag queen is a choice.They look outlandish intentionally. Why is it considered tolerant and empathetic to expose young kids to this freakish behavior? What real purpose does it serve other than an underlying agenda to promote deviant behavior?
Being a drag queen is a choice.They look outlandish intentionally. Why is it considered tolerant and empathetic to expose young kids to this freakish behavior? What real purpose does it serve other than an underlying agenda to promote deviant behavior?
I’ve always thought of some drag queens as being kind of like clowns who can also look pretty outlandish at times. I don’t see much difference between the two. But I doubt that people would be all up in arms over Clown Story Hours.
Why is the agenda to PROMOTE deviant behavior rather than to be TOLERANT of deviant behavior? Deviant behavior in this case is NOT even criminal behavior. Nor is it frightening behavior provided children are exposed to it in a NON-THREATENING way. There are two objections, however. One is that, for some, it is sinful behavior. But so are many other things, including violent behavior, which is THREATENING. Should children be shielded from violence? Perhaps, but they are often not when they play video games and view movies that include gratuitous killing and the like. They even learn to equate such violence with fun. Do you object to that? The other objection is that it is simply distasteful behavior. However, so is blood and gore in the media, but again children are exposed to that. I believe children should be GRADUALLY exposed to all kinds of behavior at a relatively young age, not so that they become desensitized to it, but rather so that they gain an understanding of life, both its joys and sorrows, hopes and fears, good and bad aspects. I do not believe in overprotecting children from the realities of life.
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A clown is someone who performs to make people laugh at them. That is not the purpose of drag queen story hours but yes, sadly many drag queens do look clownish.

Yes there is violence that is being promoted today that definitely should be objected.
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Nobody is forcing you to watch TV. If you’re really that offended then just don’t watch.

What’s wrong with portraying LGBT people in TV shows anyway? Conservative political correctness is ruining America.
There are just as many liberal outrages these days. Both parties have gotten into the business of controlling people’s thoughts and behavior. I find myself sometimes walking on eggshells so that I do not unintentionally offend some student in one of my classes and being brought up on charges by saying something politically incorrect.
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