Is any TV show immune to the left's agenda?

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Progressive is a term defined by a specific group. The last 50 years shows the carnage when ‘progressive’ ideas are put into action.
I agree with the rest in the parts that were directed to me.
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Do you have any evidence to support your claims?

What “carnage” has there been?
Who’s “their”?

A majority of american citizens are “progressive”.
The social engineering ideas implemented in the last 50 years were artificial and destabilizing to families and communities. Please don’t count me with progressives.
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Late 1960s Contraceptives marketing push.
1970s Porn at so-called Adult Bookstores that open everywhere.
TV turning bad and unhealthy.
1973 Abortion legalized based on nothing but “penumbras” and “emanations” from the Constitution. Jane Roe, real name name Norma McCorvey, never got an abortion. End result: millions dead.
1980s No-Fault Divorce created out of thin air. Divorce becomes too easy.
Damage to normal male-female relationships.
Damage to communities.
Damage to the idea of commitment.
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Support is the wrong word. Poisoning - as in slow poisoning - is correct.

Porn should be actively banned and fought against. It should never be allowed in any neighborhood anywhere.

People have died from legal abortion.

Right and wrong matter, not smaller government. Divorce - normal divorce - existed before fake no-fault. That means divorce for cause

Male-female relationships are backwards now. Sex only after marriage is normal.

Communities are made up of families. The more divorce, the greater the use of contraceptives, more abortion – all of these things ruin lives and communities.

You have made one false accusation too many.
The vast majority of Catholics, including the majority of clergy support contraceptives.
Then they are in grave sin, are not following the Church and their souls are in grave danger. Majority does not make something right.
No one is forcing you, or anyone else, to look at porn. If it offends you, then simply stay away.
What do you say to those forced into porn, such as child porn or sex trafficking, it’s okay, if it offends you don’t look?

What do you say to someone abuse by a person addicted to porn? Don’t look?
Name one person who’s died because of abortion.
Millions of babies!!. How about all the women who have had physical issues post abortion or who have died inside because of PTSD post abortion, and dying over the loss of their baby?
What’s wrong with divorce?
If you are Catholic you should know that marriage is to be till death do us part. It is a lifelong commitment. Commitments are not based on emotions.
Name one false accusation I’ve made.
Your ideas are secular, humanist, worldly and NOT Catholic. These ideas will put your soul in very grave danger. No one is guaranteed tomorrow.

It is sometimes reported that a large number of Catholics today do not adhere to the teaching of the Catholic Church on a number of questions, notably sexual and conjugal morality, divorce and remarriage. Some are reported as not accepting the clear position on abortion. It has to be noted that there is a tendency on the part of some Catholics to be selective in their adherence to the Church’s moral teaching. It is sometimes claimed that dissent from the magisterium is totally compatible with being a “good Catholic,” and poses no obstacle to the reception of the Sacraments. This is a grave error that challenges the teaching of the Bishops in the United States and elsewhere.” Saint Pope John Paul II

“If, of those things taught by the Church (as divinely revealed), one holds what he chooses to hold, and rejects what he chooses to reject, he no longer adheres to the teaching of the Church as an infallible guide, but to his own will. St. Thomas Aquinas
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Regulated porn is one of the most highly regulated industries in the world
It is not regulated at all but does take in millions of dollars.
Name one baby that has died because of abortion. Just one. I want names.

There are cemetaries devoted to aborted babies. If you spend some time there you may meet a mother and you can ask her what she named her baby.
No one is forcing Catholics to get married or divorced or to avail themselves to civil marriage.
No, no one is forcing anyone. We all have free will and make our own choices.
How are my ideas not Catholic? I love all of God’s creations. I support refugees and LGBT people and want to protect God’s creations from those seeking to destroy it. How is that not Catholic?
Study the catechism and the faith and you will see where your ideas are NOT Catholic.
You don’t get to decide what the state of my soul is, only God may judge.
You are correct. I can not judge you but I can judge whether an action is right or wrong, correct according to Catholic teaching or not and yes God will be your judge.
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The posters are talking about unborn babies. Abortion is one issue where, from my perspective, there are at least two sides which, though apparently irreconcilable, should be heard.

If you are Catholic, you should know that Catholic clergy are opposed to both contraception and abortion under all circumstances. This is a given. You may disagree but there is really no way around this issue.

General note: we are a long way off from the OP. And you are debating at least one poster who is just as adamant about their position as you are about yours. I would suggest you stop because such debate is counterproductive as well as off-topic.
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Prostitute - not sex worker
Stripper - not exotic dancer
Evil as in evil.
The porn industry - falsely labeled the Adult Entetainment industry - is highly private and insular.
This poster is clearly asking provocative questions antithetical to Church teachings.I have serious doubts that he is actually a Catholic
How can a baby be “unborn”? Are they zombies? Babies are humans who have recently been born. I think you’re confusing Fetus with Baby.

Abortion is legal and protected under the US constitution. As far as US law goes, the discussion ends there.

The bishops voted in favor of allowing Catholics to use contraceptions. The Pope at the time decided to go against the bishops.
How is a prostitute not a sex worker? What do you think that prostitutes do?

Strippers and exotic dancers are the same thing.

Where in the bible does it say that either of these things are evil?
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