Is any TV show immune to the left's agenda?

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What are liberal outraged by?

You can’t even be outraged by the conservative destruction of america anymore without offending someone.
What’s wrong with being empathetic and polite? It’s easy, just don’t be a racist or a sexist or a bigot. It’s really that easy.
Not all liberals, but the more extreme kind are outraged by any SUGGESTION of a sexist comment or behavior or an ethnic epithet, even if harmless or said in a joking way. Believe me, this did not exist ten years ago. And if one veers even slightly from the predominant leftist viewpoint in liberal academic settings, one is looked at as if one is a space alien, if not actually accused of bigotry. There is no more academic freedom.
And some far leftists ARE offended by Jews and any support of Israel. There is an ugly new wave of antisemitism on certain college campuses today, particularly with regard to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Further, conservatives of any kind are prima facie assumed to be bigoted.
I am all for politeness and empathy. However, many on the far left do not practice what they preach. It is not quite so simple as not being racist or sexist when some are looking for racist or sexist attitudes in every utterance and behavior.
I am a liberal on most issues and, although a disparaging term for some, consider myself somewhat of an intellectual as well. Yet I have seen liberalism change into something I no longer recognize as liberalism, something extremist which is, at heart, not reflective of the true values of classic liberalism. The same metamorphosis, in my view, has happened to what used to be conservatism. Both philosophies have put restraints on what we say and do to the degree of limiting our freedom. It is not a question of respect, courtesy, or politeness: these qualities should always be present, no matter what one’s politics are. Rather, it is the reluctance to understand that certain issues are not always so clear-cut but are complicated; to be willing to see there is more than one side, or two sides, to issues; and the unwillingness to give others the opportunity to debate from an opposing, or even slightly different, point of view. This kind of discussion and debate used to be at the heart of academic freedom but it rarely occurs today.
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A more apt description of what we are seeing now is progressive leftist.Liberals are not the same animal by any stretch
I wake up to a new conservative outrage every single day. Conservatives are ruining America.
The founders of the USA were “extreme” liberals. There’s nothing wrong with being liberal.

The concept of being respectful of other people most certainly did exist 10 years ago. I’m sorry that you weren’t being respectful of other people 10 years ago.

If you don’t want to be accused of being sexist or racist, then don’t be sexist or racist. It’s really that simple.

Why do conservatives insist on making racist and sexist joke Why can’t they just not be racist or sexist in the first place?

Are you one of those anti-intellectuals who thinks school is bad because it teaches people to be respectful? You can’t even be a liberal in an academic setting anymore without offending someone.
Conservatives just want to be able to be as racist and sexist as they want with zero consequences.
If there was any liberalism in the founding fathers of America, it would be considered conservative today.

Conservatives do not insist on making racist and sexist jokes. You’re listening to the media too much.

It seems to me after reading your comments that you are bigoted toward anyone who disagrees with your liberal opinions and it outrages you. It seems by your comments that it is okay to attack anyone who has a different opinion than your liberal opinions. Is that respectful? No.
I am complaining that my words can be MISINTERPRETED at times as being racist or sexist by those who are looking for such things everywhere, not that I can’t make racist or sexist jokes in the classroom. Please get this point correct.
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Liberalism is liberalism. If you disagree with liberalism, then you’re by definition not a liberal.

There is no mandate that extremist ideologies be given equal weight with mainstream ideologies. Denying the far right a platform in universities is not denying anyone academic freedom.

Why are your jokes being misinterpreted as being sexist or racist? What jokes are you making?
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That’s false. Liberalism is liberalism. It didn’t, at some point in the past, cease to be liberalism. The USA was literally founded by liberals, on the principles of liberalism.

The poster that I was responding to lamented that he/she was no longer able to make jokes in their classroom without being accused of being sexist or racist. I offered up the solution of not being sexist or racist and you won’t be accused of being sexist or racist.

Who am I bigoted against? You can’t even disagree with the conservative agenda anymore without offending someone.

There is no mandate that I accept the conservative agenda.
I was just falsely accused of being a bigot for disagreeing with the conservative agenda.
This describes some conservatives here too.
So, it is one thing to disagree with someone, it is something else to be outraged by another’s point of view, opinion or religious beliefs. It is also wrong to categorize one group of people as all being …racist, sexist or whatever.

I would never do that to all liberals and there are racist, sexist and whatever liberals in the world.
It didn’t, at some point in the past, cease to be liberalism
I did not say it ceased to be liberalism but liberal ideology has moved farther and farther left with time and those liberal ideas of the founding fathers would be considered conservative ideas today.
Who am I bigoted against?
If conservatives or anyone who may disagree with your liberal ideas is outraging you, you need to consider practicing tolerance and respect.
There is no mandate that I accept the conservative agenda.
True and there is no mandate that I or anyone has to accept the liberal agenda or whatever thoughts or opinions you may have.
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Deviant behavior is deviant behavior. No one has to get used to kt.

Kids require their innocence. On an emotional and comprehension level, kids are incapable of understanding deviant behavior.
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There is no progress in the word progressive. The goal is to break and damage things.
The founders were liberal, not conservative.
The founding fathers if coming back today would never agree with the liberal agenda of today. Done with that.

You are apparently here at CAF to attack those who disagree with you. I have just read your posts in other areas also. Sounds like you are just angry at those with ideas different than yours, and blaming them for the troubles in the world and that is NOT respectful or tolerant. It appears you are looking for someone to attack. Sorry not gonna be me.

The USA is a free country and I am allowed the political and religious beliefs I choose. Done with that.

God bless and have a pleasant day.
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I notice you are only commenting on half of my sentence.
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