Is any TV show immune to the left's agenda?

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The ‘left’ does not have an agenda. TV programme have lesbians in them because there are lesbians and they add complexity. When I was a kid there were shows with bears. Wasthis an Ursinist plot by the right?
I’m 62, so I’m familiar with the “bear” shows.

Yes, there were bear shows. But there wasn’t a bear in almost every show.
The ‘left’ does not have an agenda.
Every group has an agenda.
Every person has an agenda.
An agenda is a worldview coupled with a plan, and you can’t not have a worldview and a plan, or else you’d just be drifting aimlessly through life.
To add to your list. They pretend that over 90 percent of violent criminals are white males. They pretend that the majority of white businessmen are evil. They pretend that all non-whites are virtuous.
And all fathers are incompetent. It drives my wife crazy, I just identify with it…
I tried watching the first season a while ago and was also turned off by the casual profanity. I don’t remember swearing so much when we were playing Dungeons and Dragons.
The Left drives everything today. They tell us what to worry about, what issues are important to them, etc. Hollywood is very much on board.

Lesbians don’t add complexity. Lesbians are there to normalize it - lesbianism.
I think it’s both. I don’t know if I’d use the word complexity so much as a compelling back story.
Yes. Homosexuality is an abomination in the eyes of the Lord. The act of homosexuality. Just like the act of pedophilia or adultery. Sexual intercourse should only be made between a man and a woman that are married together. Anything else is against God’s Will.
Yes. Homosexuality is an abomination in the eyes of the Lord. The act of homosexuality. Just like the act of pedophilia or adultery. Sexual intercourse should only be made between a man and a woman that are married together. Anything else is against God’s Will.
The OP is complaining of homosexual characters, not homosexual sex. I can assure you that rarely do TV shows includefull blown homosexual sex in their content. In addition, we were talking about homosexual people, not homosexual sex. Have no idea where or why you started talking about sex.
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What I have seen is one character having a basic background, and suddenly saying, I’m gay. That led to dating and a failed relationship and a one-night stand. Nothing graphic need be shown to understand what happened.

A gay man who was married ended up divorced after a while. He is now looking for someone else.
Yes, the show Ranch on Netflix. It still has a little not-so-explicit sexual content and makes some crude jokes, but what I like is that the sin aspect almost always leads to problems. It’s a show that’s Pro-Life, pro- Christianity, and definitely pro- conservative. I think you might enjoy it.
When I watch any program on television, I rarely if ever consider “left agenda.” I watch programs for entertainment value.
I can only recall one Christian pastor ever being portrayed in a positive light. And even he was so liberal, he was pretty ineffective as a pastor. They’re almost always either child molester and rapists, or hateful bigots, or effeminate weirdos who run around calling everybody “my child”. Ironically, the one positive example I mentioned above turned out that the actor who played him was a pedophile in real life. But I digress. And Catholic priests only fare marginally better. At least you guys have shows like “Blue Bloods” where the priest is treated with some respect.
Outlander has a pretty explicit gay rape scene in the first season. (Spoiler alert)
The show “Amen”, which ran in the late 1980s through the early 1990s, was fantastic!!!

I’ll post a link at end of post. Basically, the show was about several people who all attended the same church. The show starred Sherman Hemsley (the actor who portrayed George Jefferson) as one of the church deacons (not the same as a deacon in the Catholic Church) who was known for being crabby and negative. The pastor was played by Clifton Davis, who was a real-life pastor and wonderful singer! The deacon’s daughter had a crush on the pastor (very appropriate and chaste portrayal of a young woman and a young man falling in love as they were involved in many different ministries in the church).

The whole show was soooooo decent and uplifting and CHRISTIAN! We still have the old VHS video of one of the Christmas shows, which featured a series of musical numbers done by the church choir, the pastor, and the wonderful Jester Hairston, the man who wrote “Mary’s Boy Child,” one of the Christmas songs that I remember way back when I was a tiny little girl and my mother would sing it to us.

And it was funny, too! Sherman Hemsley was a great comic actor! And there were several church members who had quirks that all of us who attend church recognized!

Sigh, I can’t even imagine this show being on the air nowadays.

But if you can pick it up on one of the 'Old Time Show channels," watch it. You could sit with Jesus and Mary and watch this show, and all of you would be smiling and none of you would be embarrassed.

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I think that one reason we see so many gay characters on television is that there are a LOT of gay people, especially men, in the entertainment industry, and so for them, a lot of gay people IS reality!

My daughter has worked in the entertainment industry since 2001, and she knows very few straight men in the business. In fact, when my husband (her daddy) asked her a few years ago if she knew ANY straight men working in her industry, she couldn’t think of any except for one of the actors who is married (happily) to a woman and is a strict Catholic. EVERY other man that she knows/works with is gay.

So…it may not be an agenda, but it’s definitely real-life, everyday life, for all these gay men.

I’ve said this before on CAF and in any other venue where I get a hearing–Mama, please let your babies grow up to be entertainment professionals! The best chance we have to return theater, television, and films to a “Christian”-friendly worldview is to be the ones writing, producing, directing, and acting in these arts. If we choose to stay away from the industry, others who have a worldview opposed to Christianity will bring us the shows that seem natural to them. So we really can’t complain when we don’t do the day-to-day work of entertainment.
Shows that portray homosexual relationships are portraying real life. Homosexual relationships are a part of real life. They exist. More than we know, because many homosexuals are still not “out” due to fear of safety or other issues in their personal lives. There is no need to normalize this. It is already normal.

If someone doesn’t like that aspect of normal life, then don’t watch tv. I used to be a news junkie and I decided that it was impacting my life negatively. I have cut way back on the news I read, watch, and listen to. I still pay attention, but I don’t eat it up.

Turn the tv off if you feel like you are being scandalized by it. Hollywood’s job is to generate entertainment at a profit. They cast as wide of a net as possible, and that means being inclusive. That is their “agenda”. Nothing wrong with that at all.

Edited to add: Obviously, not all shows are appropriate for all ages. Parents need to be vigilant. I stay away from a lot of shows that have a lot of sex scenes in them, just because I am not interested in watching them. There is a difference though, between sex scenes, and portraying the life of someone who is homosexual.
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