Is any TV show immune to the left's agenda?

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those shows often include gay people, just like reality includes gay people.
I personally would like to see more shows where the parents are married once (before the kids are born), the kids are not always cynical, and everyone has decent values (and the parents aren’t buffoons). I think there are families like this in the world.
I personally would like to see more shows where the parents are married once (before the kids are born), the kids are not always cynical, and everyone has decent values (and the parents aren’t buffoons). I think there are families like this in the world.
Sure, but that doesn’t mean that shows that aren’t like that are part of some nefarious “agenda”. If someone made that show and it was interesting, people watched it, and it made money, it would stay on TV. The agenda I see is producers wanting to make money, so they make shows people want to watch. Those shows often included divorced people, gay people, cynical people, buffoons and so on. As a Dad, my pet peeve is the idiot Dad - which seems a popular theme. But I don’t think sitcoms with an idiot Dad are part of an agenda.
That may be true on a small scale somewhere but not in Hollywood. All scripts are screened. Those that make it through the screening process need to support agendas, of which LGBT is one. Hollywood is watched by GLAAD who issues an annual report.

"Today, GLAAD released the seventh annual Studio Responsibility Index ( SRI ), a report that maps the quantity, quality and diversity of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) characters in films released by the seven major motion picture studios during the 2018 calendar year. GLAAD researched films released by 20th Century Fox, Lionsgate, Paramount Pictures, Sony Pictures, Universal Pictures, Walt Disney Studios and Warner Bros., as well as films released by four subsidiaries of these major studios. The report is intended to serve as a road map toward increasing fair, accurate and inclusive LGBTQ representation in film.

“GLAAD found that of the 110 releases from major studios in 2018, 20 (18.2%) included characters that were lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and/or queer (LGBTQ). This represents a significant increase from the previous year’s report (an all time low at 12.8%, 14 out of 109 films). This is also the second highest percentage of inclusive films found in the seven-year history of the report, just behind 18.4 percent of films (23 of 125) in 2016.”
When understanding the history of the television and movie industry you find that they have always tried to push the moral boundaries. A good portion of the push has been against the family as God has defined it. It is no different today. Hollywood doesnt just want to see those with same sex attraction being treated with dignity, their push is to make homosexual relationships and intimacy a non moral issue and just another option for anyone, gay or not.
In the past Hollywood had different types of restrictions placed on them for the sake mostly of youth but today there is pretty much no restrictions of morality placed on them and it seems like a lot of people today really don’t care.
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All of your examples represent bad role models. Agenda? Yes.

Making money is first, second is including every manner of dysfunctional family and relationship they can think of. Normal, healthy, stable families are avoided. Normal male-female relationships are rare.
“GLAAD found that of the 110 releases from major studios in 2018, 20 (18.2%) included characters that were lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and/or queer (LGBTQ). This represents a significant increase from the previous year’s report (an all time low at 12.8%, 14 out of 109 films). This is also the second highest percentage of inclusive films found in the seven-year history of the report, just behind 18.4 percent of films (23 of 125) in 2016.”
This means nothing to me. I have found that out of my 365 days in the last year, 100% have included gay people. So why wouldn’t movies, TV shows and books include gay people?
False example. I go shopping and I have zero idea if anyone nearby is LGBT. These people are invisible, not just to me, but to everyone else. Hollywood makes them visible in a way that is planned to normalize their behavior as morally neutral or good.
One of the final scenes of season 1 of Outlander is where Jamie is raped by a homosexual. It’s pretty graphic.

((Spoiler Alert))

The homosexual goes on in season 2 to rape a little boy. Thankfully, most of that is not shown.
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The difference is that Outlander isn’t trying to normalize homosexual behavior. Designated Survivor is.
Because there are no homosexual
bakers, right?
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False example. I go shopping and I have zero idea if anyone nearby is LGBT. These people are invisible, not just to me, but to everyone else. Hollywood makes them visible in a way that is planned to normalize their behavior as morally neutral or good.
No, that is a false example. You don’t know much about the people shopping around you, but you do know about the people actually in your life. And that is what these shows are depicting. If the show is depicting the straight people’s lives, including their significant others, why would it not depict the gay people the same way?
You are going around the point. TV has become corrupt. First by showing attractive straight people fornicating and doing other immoral things which are presented as neutral and good. That is 100% wrong.

Gay people should be depicted fairly. But like their straight counterparts, they should not be depicted as immoral perverts.
The agenda is the devil’s. Many humans are his tools, knowingly or not. The devil wants souls, especially those of little children. How he must love their indoctrination and grooming by wicked or deluded adults!
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You haven’t watched season 3 of Designated Survivor on Netflix? They ruined a really good show with that aspect as well as some other over the top themes.
You had mentioned in the Netflix thread that they ruined it. I was in the middle of Season 1 (which was amazing) when I saw that, and I wondered what you meant. Then I got to Season 3 Episode 1 the other night and now I know 🤢 Netflix totally destroyed this great show when they took it over from ABC.

My wife and I debated whether or not to continue with it, which lead me to read about the rest of Season 3. Apparently it just gets worse and worse as far as family-unfriendly goes, so we are stopping now, short of seeing the notorious scene you’re referring to.

Let this be a warning to Catholics who liked 24:

Designated Survivor Season 1 = the thrill of 24 all over again
Season 2 = quite good; not mindblowing, but worth the time
Season 3 = avoid it (four main characters dropped with no in-plot explanation; massive swearing for no plot reason; explicit sex scenes)
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This is the kind of “freedom” some people want.

Thanks for posting the warning. It’s downhill for that show from here.
Hollywood, originally founded by entertainers and profiteers, has been taken over by activists.
ACTIVISM. Preoccupation with activity instead of mental reflection. As a philosophical theory, it emphasizes the active character of the mind. The principal value of thinking is to serve man and society outside the mind. Activism is part of the philosophy of Marxism-Leninism, which holds that the main purpose of thought is not to discover and contemplate the truth but to change reality, especially social reality, in the world.
Activists are change agents. They seek to change society by driving policy, laws and even thought. They are frequently of a mindset in which those who oppose them are not merely wrong - they are evil.

Not always, of course, but frequently.
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