Whether the debate over intelligent design was properly introduced in science textbooks is not anything I know much about.
The abridged version is this: Creationists had tried to push teachings about Yahweh in particular into the science classroom. The Supreme Court ruled against it. Later, intelligent design proponents took the same textbooks and just replaced each instance of “creation” with “intelligent design” and “creator” with “intelligent designer”. After this was pointed out, the Court ruled that intelligent design theory was religious in nature.
In case you’d like something to Google, I believe “Of Pandas and People” was such a textbook. There’s a whole Youtube documentary on the topic.
If the debate had been introduced into the curriculum of a high school course that explored some classical philosophical issues, would you have objected?
I may have accepted it conditionally. Firstly, intelligent design was not introduced in a manner appropriate for a philosophy class before the Court’s ruling. Few arguments were presented for it–it was essentially just dogmatic assertion after dogmatic assertion.
One weak attempt at an argument was an appeal to so-called “irreducible complexity”, but this idea has since been refuted. I don’t want to go into too much detail since evolution is still banned as a topic, but I just wanted to point out that intelligent design was never a very fleshed-out theory as it was presented to students in science classes.
Assuming it were a more satisfactory theory, I wouldn’t be opposed to teaching it in principle. However, I have misgivings about religious classes in high schools. Religious classes in public colleges are less biased because they have a large variety of students whose toes they must tap-dance around. Public colleges are accountable to everyone in the state. High schools are much more locally controlled, so it’s easier to just say, “Most of us in this town are Christian anyway, so let’s teach the Christian version.” High school teachers are definitely less cautious about potential religious bias in my experience.
I do find the idea that there is a “religion-neutral” form of intelligent design to be doubtful as well. How would intelligent design accommodate, say, polytheism? Are there multiple creators with possibly conflicting visions of what the world should be like?