Well said, but you need to remember that the other party also has a “plan B”. On one hand they say that God started the whole shebang, and then everything else “folds out” according the laws of nature. But when it suits them then they change their tune. They say that God is not the generic, deistic creator, he is not just the first cause, but also the “sustaining cause”. They say that the universe must be sustained from second to second… if God would not pay attention, the whole universe would flicker out of existence.For the sake of argument, we will agree that God instigated everything.
So, we cannot “win”. The game is rigged, they payout matrix is simple: “if it is heads, they win, if it’s tails, we lose”. I must admit that this is the sign of a “genius”. And when the street urchin exclaims that the emperor is stark naked, they pretend that they never heard it.