Only one bite was necessary, the Big Bang, which at its creation contained all the potency we observe as actual in the present world.
Precisely my point. Could you stop for a moment and consider why you are agreeing with me?
That is unnecessary, because the laws of nature God created have made the universe unfold as it should.
Where do you think all the laws of nature come from … pure accident?
For the sake of argument, we will agree that God instigated everything. And as you said, that moment when He did so, contained everything that we see around us which evolved within the laws of nature that He Himself set up.
People used to think that creatures were created fully formed (and I am astonished that you can attempt to argue for Creationism, or ID as it is now called, without knowing that this is what the proponents of ID are pushing). But now, post Darwin, we know that evolution occurred in a manner which we describe as naturally. Albeit, as we are agreed (for the purpose of this discussion), instigated by God.
So the Big Bang was God’s hand. And then everything unfurled as per His plan, which was nature itself. Nature (instigated by God) formed the universe. Nature (instigated by God) formed the stars and the planets and galaxies. Nature (instigated by God), formed the variety of life around us today, via the method of evolution. All entirely natural. All instigated by God via Natural Laws.
Except…when it comes to a gradual transition between non-life and what could barely be described as life at all, material that for sure did not have all the attributes that we describe as being required by living forms, which gradually evolved, naturally, to life as we could describe it today…well, no. Charles won’t accept that.
The entire universe is naturally formed by God’s will. Using natural processes that follow laws that God created. Except…for that transitional period.
God created EVERYTHING using His laws of nature. Except for life. That can’t be natural for some reason. That has to be a point where God’s natural laws don’t work in a way that would produce life.
When Darwin wrote his book and people realised that there wasn’t a ‘Poof’ moment, or a ‘Kazam’ moment when everything suddenly appeared, the Christian answer was that, fair enough, science is right, but…it’s all God’s work anyway. OK, everyone said. We’re all happy. We know how it was done and some people want to believe that God did it. No problem.
But now we don’t yet know how his laws of Nature did it’s work, some people are still refusing to accept it was anything other than by unnatural means. They still want their ‘Kazam!’
Why, in heaven’s name?