Perhaps it’s just my experience, but when I used to drink, I was just a nominal Catholic. Since my faith and devotion has increased and I’ve become (IMO) “pretty Catholic”, five/six beers would be indulging in drunkenness. (I’m sure you know what St. Paul said about that little vice.)
Sorry if I’m reading too much into the “pretty Catholic” label. Sounds like we’re guilty of not being on the same page as far as our understanding of the terminology. In my nominal days I resorted to other humans when I had a problem. I’ve since learned to turn to God in prayer first (and priest if necessary) before other humans.
I hope I explained my point of view better this time.
I may be wading in where I am not needed, but it would appear that you are female; 5 to 6 beers in a three hour (evening from 7 to 10) session probably would be a bit much, given that in general, women weigh less than men and the result is a higher blood/alcohol ratio. A 180 lb. man simply has more blood than a 120 lb. woman. Keeping that in mind, and assuming this was a long evening session, rather than a couple of jocks “pounding” in a short sesion, it is not likely they were drunk by a common language usage; whether they could pass a sobriety test may be another issue.
I don’t disagree at all with your statement of turning to God in prayer. We all should, and all too many think a prayer life means saying grace before all meals.
I do, however, take issue with your comments about not turning to other human beings; last I recall, Paul has a number of statements, starting with his reflections that we are the Body of Christ, and further reflections on how we are to build one another up. That doesn’t sound to me as a prohibition to talking with another human being. If anything, it strikes me as saying that we have a duty to listen to someone who is having a problem; and we can’t listen if they don’t talk.
I would also take issue with the comment about going to a priest first, for at least two reasons. An older priest, in his 60’s or more, was trained in moral theology according to the “manual”. While it helped to parse a sin down to it’s finest ramifications, it also gave a rather mechanistic, legalistic, and nominalist approach to moral theoloegy. That is to say, an older priest could say that there is no sin; the husband is not committing adultery, he is not engaging in self-abuse; he is not beating her or using overt psychological manipulation. He brings home the paycheck and is kind to her; he’s just not having sex and that is not a sin (as the manual would define it).
A priest younger than that, say to mid to late 40’s is more likely not to really wnat to talk about sin at all, and may or may not be trained sufficiently in either psychology or counseling to pick up on the probelms at hand.
A young priest is probably the last person this guy is ghoing to want to talk to because he is too young, in unmarried, or doesn’t have the trust level built that this guy can bare what are some fairly initmate issues.
The whole question of sinfulness in this situation is much more subtle than most of the black and white issues we are familiar with; adultery, fornication, self-abuse, homosexuality, rape, etc.
The issue can be framed in terms of “marital right”, but that is going to leave a bad taste in most people’s mouth; reducing the complexities of the intimacy between husband and wife - something far more complex than coitus - to a “right” just isn’t speaking a language that has meaning and content. Further, it is a language that is too often used the other way - concerning a woman who is either disinterested in coitus, or repelled by it.
If we are going to speak of sin, we need to remove it from the language of legal acts (or illegal) and put it in its true context; that of relationship.
And as far as relationships go, to put it in the terms used by the warden in Cool Hand Luke: “What we have here is a failure to communicate”. Coitus isn’t the issue, it is the symptom. The issue is that they have not had intimate (and I don’t mean sexually oriented) conversation for a long time. I’d lay bets he hasn’t told her that he loves her - let alone why, or in what areas - for a long time. Flowers? Nope. A box of chocolates? Nope again. A surprise dinner out? Same response. A card? A phone call in the middle of the day saying he was thinking of her? No. In other words, no romance. Romance isn’t about sex; it is about communication. Romance is saying “you’re really special to me, and I want to let you know”.
Sadly, we almost always reduce it to a means to coitus.