Hi Ghostgirl,
Yes, there are such laws, as I believe you are already aware. I am sure there are situations where such laws are necessary.
Your signature indicates you’re a feminist and your profile says you’re also an atheist, so I’m not going to expect you to agree with, let alone understand, much about what Catholic marriage is about.
“When a couple contracts marriage, they give one another the uninterrupted, permanent, and continuous right to each other’s bodies. Spouses must strive to respond to the physical and emotional needs of one another. To refuse the marital act violates the physical needs of one of the spouses, thus placing him or her in the occasion of sin. … However, it also must be remembered that spouses cannot look upon each other merely as objects of use. There are times, then, when a married person, in consideration for their spouse’s inability to perform the sexual act, or their lack of desire to do so at a given moment, should say no to the desires of the body. In this situation, love and respect for the other would respond with a spirit of self-control.”
From Sister Mary Lucy’s article,
Catholic marriage is about as counter-cultural as it gets. Atheism and feminism do not mix well in Catholic marriage. When both spouses treat marriage as the Sacrament that it is, then they are truly one flesh, and it is the most fulfilling vocation you’ll ever experience. When one is blessed with a spouse who share the same beliefs, it’s easy to stay married for a lifetime.
Ghostgirl, my friend, I don’t know your age, but I suspect I may have been married as long as you’ve been alive. My dear wife is not a feminist, or an atheist. She is literally a dream come true, for me. She is a sweet, loving and faithful Catholic woman who accepts me with all faults. I can place all my trust in her for everything. She is someone who I truly could, and would, lay my life down for.
With that in mind, would there be ‘spousal rape’ in my marriage? By the popular definition, probably yes. Could the both of us be guilty of that? Without a doubt. We have both ceded to the other’s serious request for the marital act when we didn’t want to, but in our minds, there isn’t any such thing as ‘spousal rape’.
Dear Ghostgirl, perhaps I assume too much, but I suspect you’re not married. I’m also giving you the benefit of a doubt that as an atheist, feminist lurking around in a Catholic forum, you’re not looking to stir up trouble, but may be seeking answers. I pray you find them.