Mrs Thatcher is a classic example of those who accuse others of their own faults. She sold off the state’s assets: gas, water, electricity, aerospace, steel, shipbuilding, telephones, freight, oil, ports, airways, British Leyland and Rolls Royce - and now we are paying a very high price for her depredations. A national debt of over £1.5 trillion is hardly a trivial sum. The state is running out of money because she robbed it for the benefit of the privileged few who could afford to buy its assets so that everyone else is paying for the privilege of being defrauded! Unbridled capitalism is not only unChristian; it is Satanic and the cause of most of the unnecessary suffering in the world. Anyone who condones it is complicit in the greatest evil known to mankind and amounts to terrorism on a universal scale.
Hell begins in this life and continues in the next but the roles are reversed. The perpetrators become the victims and the victims become the victors - like Jesus. Regardless of what we claim to believe it is how we live and to what extent we love others that determines our eternal destiny. Jesus put his precepts into practice and we should follow His example. He condemned the hypocrites and praised the poor widow. She gave all she had and will be given the greatest treasures of all: joy, peace and love in heaven…