I have a wrench and a hammer in my toolbox. Both are useful in different situations.
Unfortunately, it’s easy to rely on the tool that’s more fun, even when it isn’t right for the job.
I’m sure you’ve seen the left do this before, and people on the right are not immune to the temptation. It’s actually one of the left’s least attractive tactics.
It’s hard for me to understand the logic of a) left-wing people do XYZ terrible things! b) let’s do XYZ, too!
Well the problem is that the war will take an interest in you. The Left will not be satisfied when the last straight white man is silenced or killed. They will just switch targets to the demographic that the mob deems most privileged.
Old-school conservatism accepted the insane notion that being honorable losers was a desirable position. The Populist Right wants to strike back and win.
Some thoughts:
–The president of the “populist right” has astonishingly low popularity, which is kind of a funny thing for a populist.
“Based on approval ratings one year into a first term, Trump is the most unpopular president since at least Harry Truman (as far back as we have data).”
“Trump’s approval rating is 22 percentage points lower than the average modern president’s. Meanwhile, his net approval rating (approval rating minus disapproval rating), -15 percentage points, makes him the only president in negative territory one year through his first term. Trump’s closest precedent is Gerald Ford, who had a net approval rating of just +5 points one year in.” Trump’s approval rating was literally half of what JFK, GHWB or GWB had at the same point in their presidencies (they had approval ratings ranging from 78-81%).
The GOP is about to get slaughtered at the polls this fall–this is not what “winning” looks like.
–Say what you will about Democrats and the contemporary left, they don’t have an animated discussion going about taking away my voting rights or depriving girls and women of an education and the ability to support themselves, and they haven’t lately been enthusiastically spooning with Vladimir Putin.
–I’m frankly nauseated by everything new about the new right.
–The “populist right” deserves to lose, and it’s going to lose, and it’s going to set the GOP back a decade, if not two decades.