Is cultural marxism just a myth or conspiracy theory created by right wing conservatives?

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It is a creeping totalitarian form that generates social-liberal dogmas
It is a “creeping totalitarian form that generates social-liberal dogmas” only in the sense that a Trump presidency is a creeping totalitarian form that promotes white supremacy, that is, not at all. How can the most radical of a group said to be creeping (forward?) when the national election went to Donald Trump? Before we had Obama, Bush, Clinton…

Notice a pattern? I sure don’t.
White guilt alone is a suicidal strategy which is why its proponents import the 3rd world en masse. The next few generations of whites are going to be very right wing indeed based on the above factors.

“President Trump’s approval rating among people aged 18-29 has reached a new low of 20%, per Gallup’s tracking poll.”

Trump was also doing poorly with white millennials, at least back in August 2017.

“According to a GenForward survey conducted in May, less than half of white millennials – 47 percent – disapproved of Trump’s job performance, while 34 percent approved. But disapproval among that demographic jumped to 55 percent in the August survey, while 29 percent approved of his presidency.”

It is true that white millennials who love Trump, love Trump, but like Spinal Tap, his appeal has gotten more selective.

It’s very easy these days to wind up trapped in an echo chamber and not realize what the outside political climate is.
Notice a pattern? I sure don’t.
I’m not from the USA, so I wasn’t thinking about your presidents, but as for a pattern.

Lowering of age of gay consent - gay marriage - legal status to transgender state - transgender hormone treatment for children - near criminalisation of dissenting views - move to introduce compulsory LGBT content in schools to children as young as 5 etc, and it goes on. There is a pattern and it looks like an agenda.

Float concept, promote concept heavily, achieve tolerance, move to normalisation, achieve legal recognition, move to celebration, squash opposing views, criminalise opposing views and crush dissent, then repeat with next step…
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It’s very easy these days to wind up trapped in an echo chamber and not realize what the outside political climate is.
Children growing up today are going to have a hard time learning to think critically. While we have a ton of information, that also means there is more of what one wants to hear. Even among the older people here, conservatives are always linking their favorite bloggers, and liberals theirs.
It is basically impossible to engage their ideas, when they use ad hominems to dismiss any comment made, and when they refuse to engage in logic. They run on almost pure emotion, and the term “critical thinking” is simply gone from their dictionary.
Cultural Marxists may be moral relativeists, but there are plenty of moral relativists who are not cultural Marxists.
Cultural Marxists may not be arming with rifles - at least to any noticeable extent. But the antifa crowd has definitely picked up weapons (e/g/ the college teacher who is accused of using a bicycle chain in a clash at Berkeley).
They only like to fight though against targets that are unable to fight back as the Battle of Berkeley showed.
Perhaps that is because the UK is more socialist than the US. Watching some of the political decisions, both in the UK and in Canada is like watching reality suddenly fast-forwarded to show where a significant number of US citizens desire the US to go.
Watching some of the political decisions, both in the UK and in Canada is like watching reality suddenly fast-forwarded to show where a significant number of US citizens desire the US to go.
I think you have a point. As someone who lives in the UK, I think where we are now is where you will go in terms of many such issues, unless you recognise the threat and take it seriously.

And I don’t think where we are now is where they are stopping. If things are not stopped I think we are heading towards a society where the concept of the family is abolished, where parental rights are no more, where the state takes control of children (indoctrinating them with socially liberal values), where there are no taboos regarding sexual behaviour, and where man can create his own reality creating himself into whatever image he desires. I think that is where this road leads to.
You seem to be presuming that one can have a discussion with those who exhibit cultural Marxism. However, one of the identifying features is that it is fueled by emotions, not logic, as has been particularly exhibited this last year in public “discourse”. Make a comment that is logical, and they respond with an ad hominem, which brings any intelligent discussion to an abrupt halt.

I do not suggest that calling someone a cultural Marxist in a discussion (or attempt at a discussion) is going to be conducive to furthering the discussion. But identifying someone as a cultural Marxist based on their monologue at least can save one the time spent attempting to dialogue.
In 2014, the top 1% (incomes in excess of $615,000) paid nearly half (45.7%) of the individual federal income taxes collected.

The top 20% (incomes above $134,400) contributed nearly 84% of all federal income taxes.

Those in the bottom 80% paid 15%, and the bottom 60% paid only 2%.

There is no such thing as free health care. it all costs. 14 states have proposed a universal health care system, with California being the most recent. The budget for the next year in California was 173 billion dollars. The proposed health care system was “estimated” at $4oo billion per year, or, added to taxes, more than triple.

The only state to have universal health care was Vermont, which finally dropped it as too expensive.

Currently, medicare, which is being proposed for all, is taking in less money in taxes than it pays out in costs. and one of the most significant failures in Obamacare is that it relied on healthy young adults paying for health insurance, or paying a tax penalty; The penalty was not enforced, and the enrollment was approximate 10 million; but they needed 25 million - or 1 and a half more times as many enrolled as actually enrolled.
I think that it’s not healthcare and income tax where the attack will come from. I think it’s in the area of the family, gender ideology, sexual taboos, euthanasia and abortion where the attack will come.
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Your definition is from (not to be confused with It’s a nutty end of the world site complete with flaming words and tips for how to fight “the New World Order” and it’s naughty secret clubs in the Skull and Bones Society and in Rome. Oh, and barcodes are the Mark of the Beast. :roll_eyes:

Of course it’s a biased definition. It’s entirely stuck on racial struggle in such a way that the Nazis would be proud. It pits ‘Cultural Marxism’ - if it exists - against (presumably white) ethno-racial “purity.” The loss of one’s culture might be a bad thing, but if the protection of it comes at the price of defending racism, one’s culture wasn’t worth preserving in the first place.

Look, we’re called to be catholic. Universal. We can’t be that if we’re not multi-cultural. There is simply no place for racism in Christ’s Church.
Its interesting to note that there is a rather large disconnect between the modern definition of cultural Marxism and the actual cultural of Communists country’s. Take for example the transgender-gay-LGBQT-BBQ movement,it took the people republic of China until 1997 to remove laws criminalizing gay sex, or in Cuba where gays were forcibly expelled
We would never come to believe that a homosexual could embody the conditions and requirements of conduct that would enable us to consider him a true Revolutionary, a true Communist militant. A deviation of that nature clashes with the concept we have of what a militant Communist must be
-Fidel Castro
Its almost as if no one cares about what make believe gender you are when Papa Stalin needs his 5 year plan done.
Or take the worship of minorities by modern day liberals and compare it to the treatment of minorities in commie nations such as the Soviet Union where Ukrainians were subject to artificial famine, or look to China’s treatment of Tibet.
Modern day Marxists aren’t following the true culture of Communism so much as being useful idiots good only for destabilizing western nations.
I tried to look it up on Wiki but was redirected to The Frankfurt School. Its hard to find an objective definition of the words. Can you provide one?
That’s the complaint a lot of us have - that it’s not really so much a thing with a clear definition, as a way to smear anything vaguely progressive, even things that have no logical connection to each other.
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