The Alt-Right is a reactionary movement and a response to decades of aggressive left wing ideology. If it is racist or part of it is, I admit I am not familiar with all of their ideologies, then it’s only a reaction to the many whites who have been marginalized by the left, many of whom are underprivileged and impoverished and supposedly those to be looked upon with affection by the left. However, the left seems to have a fetish for despising white poor people and I know this from experience because I, myself, have been financially struggling my whole life and I don’t have to be Alt-Right to know of the left’s hurtful, pompous and insufferable arrogance where only black and brown poor need be cared for. They don’t even care for people of color either as they only pretend to care for them and only want to manipulate and control them. For example, have you heard of anyone on the left address the broken families issue in the black community and how increasing the number of two parent households would be of a greater help to them then any form of government legislation? Of course not. Have you heard of any desire for refugees or illegal aliens to live in these people’s communities? Of course not and you will not either because all of this “compassion” is only about control and manipulation and very little else. If you keep people poor and desperate they will always have a need of you. That is, except if you are white and poor, in that case you’re just “trash.” The lefts concept of “compassion” is nothing more than a self serving ego trip.
I’ll put to you this way, when you have Ivy Leaguers with degrees telling factory workers to, “check your privilege” you are not only attacking the already economically disenfranchised but you also look stupid and incredibly stupid. I do not mean you of course but you know what I mean. I wouldn’t underestimate them either as they are, presumably, also among some of the most armed citizens in the country. I am also not entirely certain if they all support the president either.
This country has reached a fever pitched divide. I had an incident with my non-white neighbors years back and they now accuse me of being a nazi, but I don’t grovel to them begging for forgiveness as many whites are unwilling to do this anymore. The accusation is stupid but I will not play that game, although I am culturally conscious which doesn’t help things and I am not ashamed of that. I leave money for their poor without their knowledge and pray every single day for them, but I cannot reconcile with them because they smeared my name unjustly. Am I Alt-Right or nazi? No, but I won’t bow to anyone but God either, I also want peace but it is impossible. However, a different man may have become those things for the reasons I already addressed. Scripted lines will not work any more. The Alt-Right is a reactionary movement to the authoritarian and emotionally unhinged left. My situation is a microcosm of this and I am not a monster and will allow no one say otherwise.