Chemistry is not blind unguided chance, and chemistry had a lot to do with the origin of life on earth. “Let the earth bring forth…” and the earth is made of chemicals.
At one time upon reading the scripture text “And God said, ‘Let the earth bring forth…’” or “And God said, ‘Let the waters bring forth…’”, I had considered whether some sort of theory of evolution could be conformable with these texts. Upon further reading, study, meditation, I have abandoned the idea of some sort of evolutionary process that could be read into these texts for the following reasons (a few reasons I’m going to mention, not an exhaustive list).
(1) The waters and the earth did not bring forth the various animals and their kinds on their own but by God’s word, “And God said, ‘Let the…’” What would be the point of God’s work and activity on the fifth and sixth days if the waters or the earth could produce the various animals by themselves by some sort of evolutionary process? Also, the word of God is the Word of God through whom all things were made and without whom was nothing made that was made (beginning of St John’s gospel). By the time of the work of the fifth and sixth days, the earth was ripe for the introduction of life and animals through the preparation of God’s work on the preceding days. But the introduction of the animals on earth required further creative activity of God, the work of the fifth and sixth days.
(2) The verse immediately following “And God said, ‘Let the earth bring forth…’”, the scripture reads “And God made the beasts of the earth according to their kinds…” We find the same immediately following what transpired on the fifth day “And God said, ‘Let the waters bring forth…’ ‘So God created…’”. God himself fashioned and formed the various animals from matter, earth or water, he had already created. Similarly, we read in Genesis 2:19 ‘So out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field and every bird of the heavens…’ The earth brought forth the various animals by it being fashioned, formed, and receiving the various created forms of the various animals by and from God.
(3) The animals were created in one day by the direct creative activity of God. In this sense, evolution is excluded since that is said to take millions or billions of years. Understood in this sense as well, namely, that the animals were created immediately by God -in one day-, than it is irrelevant whether the days of creation are considered as 24 hour days or whether each day is taken as many years or millions or billions of years.
(4) The whole creation narrative of Genesis 1 is presented as the creative work of God. Thus Gen. 2:1-2 says ‘Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the furniture of them. And on the seventh day God finished his work which he had done…’ This same theme is attested to in the rest of the Bible.