Is Darwin's Theory of Evolution True? Part 4.1

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Here’s a question one might find in a junior-high science exam: If you could live for millions of years and saw a hominid evolve into a human, would this represent empirical evidence of the theory that humans evolved from a microbe?
What would your answer be?
I would answer, No, because to go from “humans evolved from a homnind” to “humans evolved a microbe” would be an unreasonable extrapolation based on the evidence - therfore hominid-man evolution is not empirical evidence that humans evolved from microbes. But Darwinism is depends almost completely on making such unreasonable extrapolations.
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The Bible is 500 pages, less than the length of the average science textbook. It is clearly a great book, but it doesn’t preclude us from opening our eyes and learning new things.

If you think the Bible is all you need, then go sit in a cave. For the rest of us, there’s a wide world to explore and appreciate.
Evolution says nothing about matters of the spirit, nor does it try to. It is the science of the inter-relationship among species today and over time. I mean. . . it’s really not religiously controversial at all.
Macroevolution has never been observed nor even if it was happening now could it be observed.
Furthermore, there is not a scrap of empirical evidence that suggests one “kind” can evolve into a different “kind”.
Claiming that any particular interpretation is the only one, and that all others are heretical, is indefensible.
If you are referring to me, you must be dazed and confused; something has torn the fabric of reality that protects you from the hell of madness.

Kindly point out where I made such a claim.
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Such as what? I think there are various facts that show otherwise.

It should be noted that I do believe in the literal 24 hour periods, but in a sense that is a tad different from how others may think it. I personally think this is a bit too convenient:
Gerald Schroeder - Articles - Age of the Universe
Possibly. Exodus 20:11 is the usual justification, plus the fact, as buffalo keeps telling us, that the word for day, ‘yom’, occurs dozens of times in the bible, and where it can be detected, almost always refers to 24-hours.

I myself think that Genesis is wholly metaphorical.
Interestingly, the first use of ‘yom’ in the Bible “God called the light day” does not mean a 24 hour day. ‘Yom’ in Gen. 1:5 “And there was evening and there was morning, one day” has an equivocal or different meaning than the day of “God called the light day.” So, already this one verse contains two different meanings of the first uses of ‘yom’ in the Bible. Yom also in Gen. 2:4 “These are the generations of the heavens and the earth when they were created. In the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens,” doesn’t appear to mean a 24 hour day especially as this occurs immediately following the seven day creation narrative of Gen. 1-2:3.

As I noted earlier in this thread I think it was, the fathers of the Church had different opinions concerning the meaning of ‘yom’ or day in Genesis 1. Some interpreted it as 24 hour days and others did not. St Augustine, one of the greatest expositors of Holy Scripture in the history of the Church, though he thought the interpretation from other fathers of the days of Gen. 1 as 24 hour days was legitimate, proposed his own interpretation. With all his genius and sanctity, interpreting precisely what the inspired sacred writer meant by ‘day’ was a mystery to him. Augustine would have had no problem believing the days were 24 hour days as at this time he and other fathers of the Church believed creation was only about 6000 years old reckoning from the ages of the Patriarchs the Bible gives us. Even so, he saw the days of Genesis 1 as a mystery.

I think the days of the creation narrative have multiple meanings at the same time either intended by Moses himself or at least by God. A day can be interpreted as God-days, “For a thousand years in your sight are but as yesterday when it is past, or as a watch in the night” (Psalm 90:4; cf. also 2 Peter 3:8)), and symbolically as a 24 hour human day, or possibly the other way around.

If the present day science concerning the geological age of the earth is even remotely correct, than I believe a 24 hour interpretation of day in Gen. 1 is definitely symbolic of God-days or an indefinite period of time, or the days of Gen. 1 are literally God-days but symbolic of human 24 hour days.
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Well spotted, but In the NT, the “world” is sometimes used to refer to the non-Christian world, as in Romans 12:2 - “Do not conform to the pattern of this world”. So “the whole world” in Rev 12:9 doesn’t necessarily refer to every person on the planet. Furthermore, if Satan deceived every person on earth, this would contradict other Scriptures.
Just for the sake of transparency may I say that I am not a believer in any faith, and I accept the theory of evolution as the current, logical, satisfactory (to me) explanation for the multiplicity of species
As an atheist, you virtually have no choice but to believe that humans evolved from microbes, as there is no other “plausible” possibility. Evidence has nothing to with accepting It (except that life exists).

Lions, cats and tigers are all one kind of animal-- cats. But they have evolved into different species.
Dear Picky, the honesty and clarity of your posts marks you out very clearly as not an adherent of Creationism.
Just a guess, but this might have something to do with the fact that Mr. PickyPicky is an atheist.

Incidentally, there is empirical evidence that Mr. PickyPicky has massive problems dealing with reality - ie, he actually thinks England will one day win back the Ashes, and possibly as soon the next series! Please pray for him.
the cynical attempts at humour adduced to support it.
Well said! Personally, I absolutely despise those creationist “deplorables” who soil this thread with their pathetic (and cynical) attempts at humour. Woe to them come Judgement Day!
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I prefer the more considered objections of Aloysium and Richca to the knee-jerk soundbites of others, but I take your point entirely.
Your failure to mention me makes my graduation from primary school (after 12 years of trying … and I have a certificate to prove it) feel insignificant.
Birds = dinosaurs
This is one of the funniest jokes evolutionists have ever told. I love it!
Well, you see… something something and then something. Then add millions of years and you get mini-dinosaurs at your bird feeder.
Well, you see… something something and then something. Then add millions of years and you get mini-dinosaurs at your bird feeder.
Not only did the dinosaur morph into the bird,it also morphed into 10,000 species of birds. And evolution morphed 7 million species of insects for them to eat.That’s a lot DNA mutations…don’t you think ?
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