Indeed, it is more accurate to say that birds are the only surviving descendants of dinosaurs.Birds = dinosaurs? Not convincing.
Indeed, it is more accurate to say that birds are the only surviving descendants of dinosaurs.Birds = dinosaurs? Not convincing.
Actually I’ve changed my mind on that. I think the result may depend on the availability of sandpaper at the time.Incidentally, there is empirical evidence that Mr. PickyPicky has massive problems dealing with reality - ie, he actually thinks England will one day win back the Ashes, and possibly as soon the next series! Please pray for him.
It’s fortunate that only our distinguished biologists and palaeontologists have been exposed as a wicked sect of liars and fraudsters, while the cunning physicists have escaped. Think what wit we might have had to endure on the notions of relative time and wave particle duality.and the cynical attempts at humour adduced to support it.
Thanks. So what was buffalo going on about, do you think?Although Plato writes about genera and species, Aristotle is called the first father of taxonomy. According to Aristotle’s categories, there are what is called five universal predicables …
Ah! Buffalo is risible. Do you think that’s it?Essential trait or property: “Socrates is risible (i.e., able to laugh).”
Of the commenters on this thread who disagree with you, the majority are not evolutionists, but “literal-24-hour-day-ists”. Does that strike you as curious?As I noted earlier in this thread I think it was, the fathers of the Church had different opinions concerning the meaning of ‘yom’ or day in Genesis 1 … […] … I believe a 24 hour interpretation of day in Gen. 1 is definitely symbolic of God-days or an indefinite period of time, or the days of Gen. 1 are literally God-days but symbolic of human 24 hour days.
It seems to me that theists who will so desperately grasp at every straw (or straw man) they can get think made-up stuff is the best support they can come up with. That stance really seems to me not an expression of faith, but a lack of it: is the God position really so weak that people have to twist words, quote mine, pretend not to understand very basic points, and so on?
Dear Glark! Can you not see that this farrago of deliberate misrepresentation, weakly humorous in intent (I suppose, as I am certain you do not believe any of your ‘examples’ are remotely accurate) is exactly what Benjamin means? If this is your idea of “preaching to all nations” then not only does your own version of the bible become wholly discredited thereby, but, by extension, so does mine. I really object to that. You and buffalo and edwest are champions of atheism, and if I have any reason for remaining on this thread it is to show any casual passers by that a belief in evolution is not incompatible with faith in God, and that faith in God is not incompatible with a belief in evolution.Here are a few examples of how “empirical evidence” via an indirect observation leads to a “logical” conclusion … according to evolutionism:
Human embryos have “gills”, therefore humans evolved from fish (the “gills” aren’t even an “observation”, but a myth).
Humans share 89% of the genes with chimps, therefore humans and chimps have a common ancestor.
Birds have feathers, therefore reptiles evolved feathers.
The length of finches’ beaks is determined by natural selection, therefore all life evolved from microbes.
“Evolution is happening right before our eyes!”, so humans evolved from microbes.
Life exists, therefore all life evolved from microbes.
Your every post is eloquent testimony to it.Claiming that any particular interpretation is the only one, and that all others are heretical, is indefensible.
Kindly point out where I made such a claim.
“caeli enarrant gloriam Dei et opera manuum eius adnuntiat firmamentum”Which parts of the Bible don’t you consider metaphorical?
Been doing just that for years and it is fascinating. Revelation though is the lens that reveals the fullness of truth.The Bible is 500 pages, less than the length of the average science textbook. It is clearly a great book, but it doesn’t preclude us from opening our eyes and learning new things.
If you think the Bible is all you need, then go sit in a cave. For the rest of us, there’s a wide world to explore and appreciate.
The Scriptural worldview is indeed a good description of reality.Revelation is a particularly poor description of physical reality.
The question I’m going to focus on in this post is whether the seven day creation narrative of Gen. 1-2:3 was intended by Moses or the inspired sacred writer (hereafter I’m going to just say Moses for the sake of simplicity) as well as by God, the principle author of Scripture, to mean that God created the heavens and the earth, the seas, and everything in them in literally six 24 hour days and than resting on the seventh day. As some have mentioned here, Exodus 20:11 is sometimes cited for this interpretation:I think the days of the creation narrative have multiple meanings at the same time either intended by Moses himself or at least by God. A day can be interpreted as God-days, “For a thousand years in your sight are but as yesterday when it is past, or as a watch in the night” (Psalm 90:4; cf. also 2 Peter 3:8)), and symbolically as a 24 hour human day, or possibly the other way around.
If the present day science concerning the geological age of the earth is even remotely correct, than I believe a 24 hour interpretation of day in Gen. 1 is definitely symbolic of God-days or an indefinite period of time, or the days of Gen. 1 are literally God-days but symbolic of human 24 hour days.
Not exactly. Functional specified complex information is the key.You are doing the same thing-- you define informational complexity as “design,” and then when (unsurprisingly) informational complexity is found in DNA, you insist that you’ve found evidence of a designer. But that’s no discovery of God-- it’s just a shell game.
No. The higher the degree of fsci the more the meter tips to the design side. The UPB is set at 10^150. Chance events fall under and design over. Where this boundary could slightly change; when the odds are magnitudes higher we can even more certain of design.Does this word clarify or confound your definition?
Genetic information is information about how a life form should grow in utero and how it should age. These are all physical properties, governed by chemistry.
But this is your problem-- define it however you want, but you are still begging the question-- you’re deliberately defining information in a way that implies God, and then using the information as evidence of God. This is circular reasoning, and is fundamentally unsound.
I’m not aware of any cats that have evolved into non-cats.eh?
Lions, cats and tigers are all one kind of animal-- cats. But they have evolved into different species.
This is evolution science In a nutshell. Well done.Well, you see… something something and then something. Then add millions of years and you get mini-dinosaurs at your bird feeder.