Is Darwin's Theory of Evolution True? Part 4.1

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. Birds and dinosaurs are similar in a more fundamental way, their respiratory system, which is so radically different from that of amphibians, reptiles, and mammals that it requires specific skeletal structures like air passages in certain vertebrae. Birds and dinosaurs have it. Just a coincidence, right?
How do you know what kind of respiratory system dinosaurs had?
I’ve never heard of this word either. Please don’t mention it again.

I once dated a young woman who though “actually” was a big, fancy word. The relationship didn’t work out coz I felt she was too intellectually intimidating.
The Catholic Church has the fullness of truth.
There is a God who created us and he wrote a book - the Bible. He also created a Church through which he communicates his will to humans beings. That Church is called the Catholic Church. Dems be da simple facts of da matter.
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The bird and dinosaur respiratory system is vastly more efficient than ours.
Birds are much better at flying than humans and fish are much better swimmers. Why did God design humans to be so inefficient at flying and swimming?

Humans are vastly more intelligent than all the other creatures. Why did God create so many creatures that are so intellectually inefficient?
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Interesting that you think the 262,000 pages of the genome came by chance and was not designed
Why not? My local library and all the books therein built themselves out of chaotic matter.
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It is a great pity that the wise people who showed you that in spite of not being literally real, the story of Santa Clause has a truth about it which is valuable even to adults did not do the same with the book of Genesis.
What? Santa is not literally real? What empirical evidence can you provide for this absurd - and frankly, offensive - claim?
Here’s a question for you, Mr. Smarty-Pants: Where do Xmas presents come from, if not from Santa Claus?
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Do you want me to google it for you?

There are pictures of fossils, and detailed analyses, all over the internet.
If the Great Pyramids in Egypt didn’t exist, but were described in the Bible, no doubt the scoffers would say, “It would be impossible for primitive desert folk to build such structures”, and dismiss them as just more myth.
Probably. What Egypt did was quite surprising given their level of technology.

Nobody said that science is always right. However, making up hypotheses in response to actual information, and making up fairy tales because it’s the only way to make something literal which is obviously intended to be allegorical-- that’s not an improvement.
2 Peter 3 1. My dear friends, this is the second letter I have written to you, trying to awaken in you by my reminders an unclouded understanding.

2 Remember what was said in the past by the holy prophets and the command of the Lord and Saviour given by your apostles.

3 First of all, do not forget that in the final days there will come sarcastic scoffers whose life is ruled by their passions.

4 ‘What has happened to the promise of his coming?’ they will say, ‘Since our Fathers died everything has gone on just as it has since the beginning of creation!’

5 They deliberately ignore the fact that long ago there were the heavens and the earth, formed out of water and through water by the Word of God,

6 and that it was through these same factors that the world of those days was destroyed by the floodwaters.
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2 Peter 2 1 As there were false prophets in the past history of our people, so you too will have your false teachers, who will insinuate their own disruptive views and, by disowning the Lord who bought them freedom, will bring upon themselves speedy destruction.

2 Many will copy their debauched behaviour, and the Way of Truth will be brought into disrepute on their account.

3 In their greed they will try to make a profit out of you with untrue tales. But the judgement made upon them long ago is not idle, and the destruction awaiting them is for ever on the watch.
5 He did not spare the world in ancient times: he saved only Noah, the preacher of uprightness, along with seven others, when he sent the Flood over a world of sinners.

6 He condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah by reducing them to ashes as a warning to future sinners;

7 but rescued Lot, an upright man who had been sickened by the debauched way in which these vile people behaved-

8 for that upright man, living among them, was outraged in his upright soul by the crimes that he saw and heard every day.

9 All this shows that the Lord is well able to rescue the good from their trials, and hold the wicked for their punishment until the Day of Judgement,

10 especially those who follow the desires of their corrupt human nature and have no respect for the Lord’s authority. Such self-willed people with no reverence are not afraid of offending against the glorious ones,

11 but the angels in their greater strength and power make no complaint or accusation against them in the Lord’s presence.

12 But these people speak evil of what they do not understand; they are like brute beasts, born only to be caught and killed, and like beasts they will be destroyed, being injured in return for the injuries they have inflicted.
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Evidence? Anything at all? No?. …
There’s the Peleg theory that is based on Scripture - land was created as one land-mass and wasn’t “divided” until about 750 years after the Flood.
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Ahhhhhh. So BABY kangaroos and koalas swam across the oceans, however tiny they were back in those days, in order to line up in mating pairs and get onto Noah’s ark? And. . . penguins, being faces with giant land bridges. . . walked? How long did this ark take to build, because I don’t think a penguin can walk that far in its lifetime.
Perhaps the Flood wasn’t global.
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