Is Darwin's Theory Of Evolution True? Part Two

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In addition, DNA through several iterations fights mutations from taking hold. This mechanism itself should give pause to evo theory. The system is not open to mutations as a driver.
On point 1, you have evidence in other living things of genetic changes.
Not necessarily evidence of this one.
Since science cannot investigate every event, it extrapolates from patterns. We do not do a DNA test to check the parentage of every baby born, but we are perfectly happy to say who is the father of the great majority of untested babies.
Point 3, there is zero evidence of evolution here as well.
Point 3 was not about evolution, it was about the absence of evidence for any alternative process anywhere at all. There is no evidence of Amaterasu or Amun intervening to twiddle DNA in bacteria. We do have evidence of evolution twiddling DNA in bacteria. I will go with the available evidence on this.

The foundations of evolutionary theory - random mutation and natural selection are poorly thought out to say the least.
Yeah, those stupid, stupid scientists!
So, 100% of scientists agree with Darwin ?
I say evolutionary theory is pseudoscience.
So, you have no calculations to show us. Colour me unsurprised.

Why do you bother to argue on a scientific subject if you do not have the calculations to back up your ideas? Is your knowledge of science really that scanty?

The billions and billions of various viruses and bacteria living in the hospital are “selected” as disinfectants clean out the susceptible ones and leave behind those with ever increasing resistance.
Here we go again…extrapolating microevolution and macroevolution.
Please explain what you mean
A Roach becoming resistant to bug spray…doesn’t necessarily mean it can become a Whale one day.
And I had a ham sandwich yesterday. 🤦‍♂️
In addition, DNA through several iterations fights mutations from taking hold. This mechanism itself should give pause to evo theory. The system is not open to mutations as a driver.
So, Down Syndrome, haemophilia and Achondroplasia do not exist? All three are mutations, and all three have obviously “taken hold” in some cases.

Why on earth do you expect to persuade us with such an obviously incorrect statement?

Yes, there are error-correction mechanisms, which do correct some, but not all, mutations. Those mechanisms are not 100% effective, so mutations do observably “take hold” in some cases.

It’s up to you to prove that random genetic mutations do anything but kill things.
I know you have a fancy story that a lot of people believe in.
It isn’t dissimilar to how people thought the world was flat.
I’m not surprised either.

But, you did hit it right on the nose.
It seems my knowledge of science is scanty.
And, the more I fill that basin, the deeper it gets.
Go figure.
This is a pseudo-scientific claim, since it alludes to a quantitative result (“the chances are very low”) without any mathematical justification of said quantitative result.

No more so than the fact that the half-life of radium is 1600 years. That has also not been observed, only speculated from what radium does over a few years.
Show us your calculations please. You are making a claim about a number here, so you need to show your working.
I say evolutionary theory is pseudoscience.
“You say”:. Respectfully, it doesn’t matter what you say in the least.
Practically speaking, the whole scientific community, including Catholic scientists, disagrees with you and accepts evolution as a very real and workable hypothesis or theory. As does the Church.

If I asked you if Mahler’s 9th is beautiful and you say it’s no it’s ugly, your subjective evaluation has some personal meaning even if I disagree with you.

Regretfully, what “you say” in this matter is of no consequence.
The consequences would be in staying quiet - what is said about hiding one’s light under a bushel.
But then, we hold back because there’s always someone out there to try and put it out I suppose.
As I’m coming to understand more and more how this all works, I’m trying to express it as best I can.
Maybe it helps just one person. It’s all in the saying or not saying. You said your piece and I said mine.

My quote was taken out of context by the way, which alters its meaning.
I say evolutionary theory is pseudoscience.
You say my use of the term “astronomical” is pseudoscience.
Touche sir, you have balanced the metaphysical scales of fairness.
What followed was more to the point of random-mutation-natural-selection as pseudoscience. It shouldn’t be hard to come up with long lists of studies demonstrating this so called fact of nature that mutations lead to great and wonderful things. But there are none. They are more on the lines of what Buffalo has been presenting, but which no one evidently reads.
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So, 100% of scientists agree with Darwin ?
Where do feel the massively overwhelming majority of relevant scientists sit on the question at hand? With you, or against you?

I object to the dismissal “out of hand” on reputedly scientific grounds, of positions accepted by the overwhelming majority of professional scientists.
They are loss of something once had. They are destructive, not creative.
The unguided creation of novel organs. No plausible explanation. Or man was once this tiny sea creature.
Where do feel the massively overwhelming majority of relevant scientists sit on the question at hand? With you, or against you?
Against me … because they are under the influence of the Emperor’s New Clothes syndrome.
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I agree. All it takes is a handful of fully convinced professors to pass this in no way practical theory to hundreds or thousands of students. The fact is, they will go on to do research in whatever field of Biology they choose, and evolution will provide no guidance. All they will have to deal with is what is alive today.
Let’s take a poll, do you agree at least partially with the theory of evolution?
  • I agree with at least a part of the theory of evolution
  • No, I am anti-evolution and don’t agree at all
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