Is Darwin's Theory Of Evolution True? Part Two

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Out of a very very very very large number of possibilities, an unguided, unintelligent force guessed wrong for the vast majority of times, but just a small proportion of those guesses were right and made a little incremental step.
That’s right, and I appreciate the word “guess” is somewhat metaphorical - a reference to random changes.
I personally believe the world was created in 6 literal days (24 hour periods) that took place over >14 billion years.
Jesus said, “But from the beginning of creation, God created them male and female” - Mark 10:6. Adam and Eve being created 14 billions years after the beginning of creation hardly sounds like they were created at “the beginning of creation”.
It would have been for feeling or sensing the movement of prey in the dark.
This is a fine example of the innumerable baseless assumptions that are made in every day in evolution “science”. You have zero evidence that such a stub was super-sensitive to anything. You merely assume the stub conferred some kind of survival advantage because that is what your theory requires.
Yes they did. DNA sequencing showed different DNA, in the same way as DNA sequencing can identify suspects and parents in humans.
DNA differs from human to human, yet all humans belong to the same species. Where would the theory of evolution be without wishful thinking?
Story telling on both sides?

Please put that in context for the folks.
It is a common ploy of evo’s to compare the acceptance of the Bible’s creation account to the acceptance of scientific discoveries - as if they can be! The former relies on faith and the latter relies on empirical evidence.
What is God purpose to create a creature like this, always in darkness?
Excellent question. But only God can answer it. Why did God make bacteria that can survive in boiling water? Why did God make the sky blue and not some other colour?
But it was the beginning of creation, but 5 1/2 days later out of only 6 creating days doesn’t sound like the beginning in that sense, does it? In fact, Adam and Eve seem to be some of the last created beings.
Then perhaps does Jesus mean something different to what you’re imagining when He says beginning of Creation, like prior to the 7th day of rest or the beginning of the world as they knew it.
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Here we go again, giving distinct labels to two aspects of the same phenomenon.
Microevolution can be demonstrated as observable fact; macroevolution cannot (for example, no one can demonstrate the evolutionary tale that a piece of a reptile’s jawbone evolved into the bones of the inner ear of a mammal). In other words, it’s a matter of fact verses possible fiction. They may be two aspects of the same phenomenon, but in terms of reality, they couldn’t be further apart.
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Well then what about the dinosaurs, do you believe they existed? If so, were they in the garden of eden too?
If you ask me, the dinosaurs may have existed in the first creation that existed before the second creation (Adam and Eve).
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Good question! What is the point of teaching a useless, untestable story about humans evolving from apes and microbes? It has no educational value whatsoever … but it’s excellent way to indocrinate kids with a demonic lie.
Evolutionism and ID in philosophy class?
That would not meet Satan’s approval. He’s doesn’t like competition nor a level playing field.
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Dinosaur is a recently coined word. In the past they were called dragons. Scritpture described the one with a tail like a cedar.
The book of Job describes “leviathan” (chapters 40, 41), a monster that breathed fire and smoke! Sounds a bit like reptilian version of a Bombardier beetle, and quite a bit larger.
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Then again, Humani Generis is nearly 70 years old and our knowledge has increased since, so maybe the Pope would
You’re right - the corruption in the Church is much worst and more ingrained today than it was 70 years ago. It could be the fulfillment of prophesy, in which case it is all leading to something - the Antichrist.
Scott Han, a very learned professor said point blank “you know 24 hours are not what was intended, because the sun and moon weren’t weren’t created until the fourth day”.
That’s a rather dogmatic statement. Sounds like he doesn’t want to leave any room at all for a literal 24-hours interpretation. Scott Hahn sounds like the sort of one-eyed, fanatical evo-Catholic who would find nothing wrong with the unbalanced and erroneuos statements on the matter in the Catechism.
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Superficially, the Theory of Evolution might make sense, but try to explain certain phenomena stretches it to the absurd.
That what happens when the truth is rejected - all you have left is nonsense and absurdity.
Every medical lab is checking for the evolution of resistance in bacteria. Every herbicide manufacturer is checking for the evolution of resistance in weeds. Every insecticide manufacturer is checking for the evolution of resistance in insects.
And not a single one of them is checking if humans evolved from apes or if whales evolved from a rodent or if all life on earth evolved from microbes - because stories about the ancient past are useless and irrelevant to them
Bacteria have a pre-existing, built-in defense mechanism to deal with contact with harmful substances. That’s not evolution.
Yes it is. That defence mechanism evolved. We have an immune system to deal with harmful substances/bacteria etc. Our immune system evolved. Bacteria have a simpler system to perform roughly the same function. Their system evolved as well.

You do realise that bacteria can evolve?

Survey of bacteria reveals an array of antibiotic-resistance.
Thank you for confirming that bacteria evolve mechanisms for combating other bacteria and their toxins. Why do you think that this is evidence against evolution?

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