Michael Behe was right after all…
Behe calls it the first principle of adaptation. The organism will break or remove something in order to adapt. This is a killer for Darwinism. They will no doubt poo poo this, but this could be the end.
Evolution by gene loss
The recent increase in
genomic data is revealing an unexpected perspective of gene loss as a pervasive source of genetic variation that can cause adaptive phenotypic diversity. (aka speciation) This novel perspective of gene loss is raising new fundamental questions. How relevant has gene loss been in the divergence of phyla? How do genes change from being essential to dispensable and finally to being lost? Is gene loss mostly neutral,
or can it be an effective way of adaptation? These questions are addressed, and insights are discussed from genomic studies of gene loss in populations and their relevance in evolutionary biology and biomedicine.
However, genomic data, which is accumulating as a result of recent technological and methodological advances, such as next-generation sequencing, is revealing a new perspective of
gene loss as a pervasive source of genetic change that has great potential to cause adaptive phenotypic diversity.
In other cases, there are genetic losses –says Cañestro-
which even though they are neutral per se, have contributed to the genetic and reproductive isolation among lineages, and thus, to speciation, or have rather participated in the sexual differentiation in contributing to the creation of a new Y chromosome. The fact that genetic loss patterns are not stochastic but rather biased in the lost genes (depending on the kind of function of the gene or its situation in the genome in different organism groups) stresses the importance of the genetic loss in the evolution of the species.
Oh my. Bad news for evolution. More science keeps coming in to end the evo paradigm. The 2nd law is in effect. See the post on
Genetic Entropy - Sanford
Evolution does not create information it kills it. Even neutral mutations contribute to speciation, or loss of reproductive ability.
Once again it is a loss of something that was there before. IDvolution says life was front loaded and has been deteriorating since.