Is Darwin's Theory Of Evolution True?

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Hmmmm. Anything and any story to evade the obvious. Sure, collagen lasts 65 million years. Wink WInk
And this was tested how?
If you mean did someone from 48 billion years ago witness to the fact, they didn’t test it that way, but believe it or not we can actually use mathematical proofs based on the nature of currently existing elements to reliably tell us the half-life of elements.

That is, unless elements had a completely different nature millions of years ago and they suddenly changed their properties and chemical composition since then.
It can create anything and allow for any condition. It is the god of BUC.
It can’t create anything and allow for any condition. You have just confirmed that you don’t know or understand evolution.
Demanding science be scientific is doing a disservice? Demanding accountability? Calling fraud out? Really?

All one has to do is convincingly refute the claims.
The Holy Spirit was sleeping for 2,000 years and now all of sudden wakes up and tells us all the prior teaching was wrong?
Right, it is not testable. The underlying assumption is decay rates are constant. Can you think of any other starting assumptions?
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It is most interesting that anyone against Darwinism is lying. Perhaps it is the other way around. After all, an evolutionary formed brain is not a reliable truth detector and not honest.
Anyone who claims that “if you are against Darwinism you lying” is wrong and putting forward an ad hominem fallacy.

I haven’t seen anyone here claim that, I have however seen quite a number of ad hominems against those who hold any positive position on evolution.

Ad hominem is trying to discredit an argument by discrediting the person who holds it.

The problem is, that is a logical fallacy and erroneous. Nobody can prove that an argument is wrong just because of the person who holds it.
I know it pretty darned well. Now I know its weaknesses and why the paradigm is failing. Science is doing it.
The Holy Spirit was sleeping for 2,000 years and now all of sudden wakes up and tells us all the prior teaching was wrong?
What about Galileo, there were those that thought the Holy Spirit told us the earth was the center of the solar system and the universe, and used the same argument against Galileo.

Galileo was right, even though modern science had not caught up with him, which is why he was in detention, among other things.
A certain poster often claims lies are begin told. He never has posted that evo supporters and researchers lie. Only those who question evolution lie.
I know it pretty darned well. Now I know its weaknesses and why the paradigm is failing. Science is doing it.
I’m sorry but based on your previous comment I simply do not believe you do know evolution. Nobody who knows or understands evolution in the least would say such a thing.
We can move this to another thread. Galileo was wrong. Heliocentrism is wrong. There are two left. Acentrism and geocentrism. The irony of acentrism is we can make the earth the center if we wish.
Is Darwin’s Theory Of Evolution True ?
It’s important to understand that scientific theories are as high on the certainty pole as you can get. They are higher than scientific facts because facts are simply those things which we accept our true for us to rely on the scientific method. They are philosophical principles over which the scientific method relies upon.

As such, evolutionary theory is an explanation for the observed realities of the world that the evidence backs up. Indeed, the theory can be applied to make predictions which result in more confirmations with more discoveries.

I don’t think those discoveries can be refuted. As such, reasonable Christians need to argue that God still fits into an equation beyond the theory. Denying the evidence is usually done out of ignorance.
It is most interesting that anyone against Darwinism is lying.
AiG openly admit to lying by omission. Here is an excerpt from their Statement of Faith:
4:6 By definition, no apparent, perceived or claimed evidence in any field, including history and chronology, can be valid if it contradicts the scriptural record. Of primary importance is the fact that evidence is always subject to interpretation by fallible people who do not possess all information.
They are telling you that they will deliberately ignore any and all evidence which contradicts their woodenly literal interpretation of scripture. They will even ignore all your evidence for a 55,000 year old earth because they insist on a 6,000 year old earth.

ICR has a similar statement: ICR Tenets as does CMI Statement of Faith.

They lie by omission. They tell you that they lie by omission. Why do you wonder when I tell you that they lie?

YEC has so much evidence against it that YEC organisations are forced to ignore the great bulk of the scientific evidence because that evidence shows that their interpretation of scripture is wrong.

A certain poster often claims lies are begin told. He never has posted that evo supporters and researchers lie. Only those who question evolution lie.
If you are referring to me, go look at my previous comments, some evolution supporters and researchers could lie, but do you have proof that they are lying is the question.
Yet, you and other evo supporters ignore evidence of anything that challenges evo. In fact people lose their jobs going against it in academia, a place where open research should be conducted.
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