So the planets don’t revolve around the sun?Galileo was wrong. Heliocentrism is wrong.
This is quite frankly bad science.
So the planets don’t revolve around the sun?Galileo was wrong. Heliocentrism is wrong.
A list of issues does not prove you understand evolution, it proves you have more interest in collecting information to combat something you know little about.Do you need a list of all the issues with evolution?
Okay, so now not only is evolution pure fantasy, but the planets don’t revolve around the sun.DO the math. It works both ways, but they don’t tell you that do they? It is a worldview issue.
Study up on the axis of evil. I won’t for any further on this on this thread. It is its own thread.
So, you are referring to non-coding DNA, Junk DNA isn’t a scientific term. 80% of the DNA is functional, but only 20% has relevant function. What is the problem?Junk DNA has now been disproven and has function.
He was inspired by Copernicus, brilliant man, I’ve been to the Church where he is buried in Poland. He basically took Copernicus’s theories, which were never published, and added his own observations of Venus etc. He couldn’t prove anything satisfactorily at his time, but later on after we had the telescope and other tools we could confidently have enough evidence.Do you even understand what heliocentrism is? What Galileo claimed?
We have fragments, not complete proteins. And your evidence that it cannot last that long is? Personal opinion is insufficient.Sure, collagen lasts 65 million years.
You are overstating the scientific basis for the Theory of Evolution if you are saying it is as valid as are the principles that govern the philosophy of science. What we have is a story into which we can fit the data. It must be remembered that what is considered data is already “processed”. The theory identifies it as data. There are other stories into which the raw data fits.It’s important to understand that scientific theories are as high on the certainty pole as you can get. They are higher than scientific facts because facts are simply those things which we accept our true for us to rely on the scientific method. They are philosophical principles over which the scientific method relies upon.
As such, evolutionary theory is an explanation for the observed realities of the world that the evidence backs up. Indeed, the theory can be applied to make predictions which result in more confirmations with more discoveries.
I don’t think those discoveries can be refuted. As such, reasonable Christians need to argue that God still fits into an equation beyond the theory. Denying the evidence is usually done out of ignorance.
Who is “evo’s”? Scientists never called it junk DNA, only amateur scientists have. Right off the bat you have undermined your claimants.First off, the evo’s have used it for many years. They called it junk DNA. Take it up with them.
Their claim was this had no current function and an evolutionary leftover which proved evo to be true.
This proof for evolution is now gone. Do we agree? Yes or No
We can also observe radioactive decays in distant astronomical objects. A galaxy 48 million light years away will give information on the decay rates of some elements 48 million years ago.If you mean did someone from 48 billion years ago witness to the fact, they didn’t test it that way, but believe it or not we can actually use mathematical proofs based on the nature of currently existing elements to reliably tell us the half-life of elements.
That is, unless elements had a completely different nature millions of years ago and they suddenly changed their properties and chemical composition since then.
I can force myself to “see” it, but it’s like looking at the world on a moonless night, where imaginings are almost as real as what is out there.Evolution is also a confirmed observation that occurs. This is not disputed.
Good for him, doesn’t change the nature of non-coding DNA and its role in the theory of evolution.The late geneticist Susumu Ohno coined the term “junk DNA”