For the folks - is your claim that evolution is not provable?
Evolution can cause a lot of emotion, so I will use gravity to explain the ideas.
Gravity is both a fact and a theory:
- Gravity-as-fact: things fall down.
- Gravity-as-theory: things fall down because…
Gravity-as-fact is observed, not proved. Scientists make observations and measurements. Those are the facts on which the theory is built.
Gravity-as-theory is an explanation of those observed facts. Newton’s explanation was action at a distance. That was a good explanation, but it had some problems. There were some things it got wrong about the orbit of Mercury for example. Einstein came up with a better explanation: “things fall down because they follow geodesics in the four dimensional space-time manifold.”
The facts stayed the same, but the explanation of those facts changed to a better explanation. Einstein gives the correct result for the orbit of Mercury and some other things.
Neither Newton nor Einstein was ever “proved”. And Einstein is still open to replacement by a better theory, such as Quantum Gravity.
So, to evolution. We have many facts: DNA sequences, observed similarities between living species, fossils, dates etc. These are all facts, not “proof”.
The theory of evolution is currently the best explanation we have for the observed facts. It is not proved, any more than Newton was ever proved. If a better explanation of the facts ever comes along, then that new theory will replace the current theory.
All of this is to say that “proof” is not relevant here. If you want proof look to mathematics. Science has facts/observations and explanations for those facts.