If original sin entered the World at the beginning of modern humans then God has had about 200,000 years to remove the stain of original sin on our souls. If mere humans do not treat Germans today as Nazis after only 70 years then God’s level of forgiveness is well below ours.
Our war with the dragon (Rev. 12:17) hasn’t ended yet.
The allies were justified in bombing German cities. It was a just action to take because without the bombing of cities, Adolf Hitler may have ruled the World. Adolf Hitler and many of his followers were completely evil so “justice” was on the side of the allies.
God was justified in expelling Adam and Eve from paradise, since what they did was evil. And since our war with Satan is ongoing, we their fallen descendants must collectively suffer the consequences of their actions - “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God”.
Hell is torture 24/7 for an eternity. Torture is not acceptable in society today. Therefore, torture 24/7 for eternity is not acceptable.
Hell is not a torture chamber in the worldly sense. Nor does God either act as a torturer or authorize demons to torture human souls by sadistically and deliberately inflicting pain on them. Pain does still exist, but not in a sadistic way. The causes of torment these souls suffer may be the very things which caused them to act or indulge in while they were still alive. Cain, for example, murdered his brother Abel out of jealousy, anger, and hatred. So he may be suffering the intense torment of jealousy, anger, and hatred with no object to vent these feelings on for gratification. And he may also be isolated, separated from all the other souls in Hell with only himself to focus on, which he regarded as more important than others when he was alive. In this case, the flames of Hell can be seen in a metaphorical way: the flames of jealousy, anger, and hatred which consume him in an unbearably intense way. Cain murdered his brother because he justified his own feelings. He chose to be in this state, even after God tried to help him get out of it before he actually murdered his brother. So he may be suffering from what his mortal sin is a consequence of. This is the pain of sense.
The primary pain the poor souls in Hell experience is the pain of loss. This is the eternal loss of the Beatific Vision. As a result, the poor souls can no longer sense love and goodness, but only intense sorrow for having offended God, who is all love and goodness, and despair: an intense sense of guilt and separation.
The souls in Hell chose to be there with full knowledge of the consequences of their actions. They chose to reject God by either knowingly disobeying His commandments or ignoring the voice of their conscience which God uses to communicate His word to us. It will not be God who sentences souls to Hell, but their own conscience.
And, you only need one unconfessed mortal sin to receive it.
Provided you obstinately refuse to repent by having justified yourself.
You are using a “get out clause” to justify original sin. I had never heard of unbaptised babies being deprived Christian burials in consecrated ground until I read some of Pumpkin Cookie’s posts. I checked and was appalled at how the Catholic Church treated these babies and their parents. It was absolutely disgraceful.
First of all, one doesn’t have to be buried on consecrated ground to enter Heaven. What matters is the state of the soul. Second, it has never been the official teaching or practice of the universal Church to prohibit the burial of non-baptized people in consecrated cemeteries. However, some individual bishops and pastors may have refused parents their request.
Sorry, original sin and Adam and Eve are myths, complete myths. The sooner the Church removes itself from the doctrine of original sin the better.
Original sin is a dogma which belongs to the deposit of faith: Scripture and Tradition. So the Church is in position to remove it. You do realize that it is because of original sin Christ came into the world to undo the sin of Adam (guilt) and our personal sins (forgiveness), don’t you?
I use commonsense to decide on the validity of original sin and other Church dogma.
I have the impression that your emotions are clouding your judgment. I suggest you do much reading on the Catholic faith and become better acquainted with Catholic theology.