We need to strive for perfection in our interior life, which we can’t do without the help of God’s grace. It isn’t enough just to live a morally upright life by observing the letter of the law in fear of God. If we hope to be with God, we must live a divine life. This requires the infusion of the supernatural virtues into our souls and the fabric of our being. God ultimately judges us by our interior states, not by our external acts.We don’t need to be absolutely perfectly righteous like God in order to be “morally upright.” No one can be righteous like God, of course, because we are imperfect and limited creatures!
God’s intervening actual grace is providential and involves human cooperation. Adam and Eve fell from God’s grace by choosing to reject God’s providential reign. If we are spiritually dead it’s because of our pride - putting ourselves before God while failing to put our trust in Him, which we are naturally inclined to do collectively.However, that does not mean that people who are mostly good deserve endless punishment, are born spiritually dead, and incapable of doing any good without miraculous divine intervention.
But because of original sin, there was no one who was righteous and had never sinned. There is not one living soul who can honestly stand before God and declare to Him that they are righteous. Only God can make that declaration to man. For this reason only Christ could merit the initial grace of justification and forgiveness and reconcile the whole world with God. The gates of Heaven were closed to all the righteous of the OT until our Lord and Saviour restored the equality of justice between God and mankind.Noah, Abraham, Issac, Jacob, Enoch (Cain’s son!), and Job (among many more) are specifically considered to be “morally upright” by God himself according to the Tanakh. Similarly, David was a “man after God’s own heart” though he committed many grievous sins. Moses too sinned grievously, and yet was considered righteous by God.
God forbade Moses to enter the promised land because he failed to trust Him and put his faith in himself, not withstanding how morally upright he had been. The promised land is a metaphor for Heaven. Moses’ exclusion represents Adam’s expulsion from paradise for the very same reason. The original sin of pride has alienated the entire human race from God.
***If I justify myself, my own mouth will condemn me. If I say I’m perfect, it will prove me perverse.
Job 9, 20
Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity;
And in sin did my mother conceive me.
Psalm 51, 5***
It is the actual grace of repentance which helps us overcome our pride and acknowledge our guilt. And it is because of our inordinate self-love that we succumb to the devil’s temptations to begin with. Jesus urged us to pray so that we should not fall into temptation because of our soul’s weakness. And, as I said before, God allows us to be tempted so that we may show our love for Him and see for ourselves whether we do love Him enough.Sin must be avoided and shunned, but it is also important to make amends and repent. We cannot sin and say “the devil made me do it” or “original sin made it impossible for me to avoid.”
***Prove me, O LORD, and try me; test my heart and my mind
Psalms 26, 2
Therefore thus says the LORD of hosts: “Behold, I will refine them and test them, for what else can I do, because of my people?
Jeremiah 9, 7
“I the LORD search the heart and test the mind, to give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his deeds.”
Jeremiah 17, 10***
- Proverbs 24
Notice it doesn’t say that it’s possible to be a righteous man without God’s active presence.Notice it doesn’t say “it is impossible to be a righteous man so this proverb makes no sense.”
But that we all do sin and have to repent and be transformed indicates that there is something inherently and universally wrong with us. This is the stain of original sin.There are many morally upright people who sin in small ways. The difference between them and the “wicked” is that they repent, make amends, and try again. It is ridiculous and arrogant to suppose God expects us to be a mirror of his perfection. We must remain humble and continuously repent of our sinfulness while always striving to do better.
"For I am the LORD your God. You must consecrate yourselves and be holy, because I am holy."
Leviticus 11, 44
God became man in the person of Jesus Christ to provide a model of perfect holiness which we are expected to strive for in our lives. This model of holy perfection isn’t provided by our natural state. So we are in need of God’s supernatural gift of grace to “be perfect as [our] heavenly Father is perfect”. The more a person sins and repents, the less holy and perfect he is.