Exactly, it is a false assumption. That is why we as Catholic’s are taught there is always a great purpose in suffering,Relying on the position that hell serves no purpose since we don’t know of any redemption from its darkness, the pain there would be useless. that argument/reality/position is one of the most prevalent criticisms of our religion, and why the “religion” gets rejected, and Christ along with it. a tragedy of false assumption.
Just because we cannot always know the purpose of our pain, does in no way make the pain unreal.
The purpose of hell is the rejection of God. As we are taught with Satan his life is full of anger, unhappiness, discontentment etc. Every single misery we can think of.
The reason for this is because he refuses to obey and worship God.
Non-believers in this world say why would anyone want to have a life of total pain, and suffering in hell and choose the next world.
A believer agrees, but also says and adds the same reason they choose it in this world.
People choose to reject God in this world by using free will, the same way they do it in the next.