Goodness, you read so much into something that can be explained quite simply.
Actually it’s more complex and less black and white than you think.
Cain neglected to give God his best. Abel gave God his best. God favored Abel and censured Cain.
Abel humbled himself before God. Cain was too proud to humble himself. Although we have the ability to learn humility and choose to be humble by the sufficient grace of God, we are not humble by nature. Humility is a supernatural gift of grace which requires our cooperation with the Holy Spirit if we hope to ever acquire this virtue by allowing it to become a characteristic of ours. Pride entered the human race when Satan spoke to Eve and persuaded her to disobey God. And it was through her that Satan managed to convince Adam as well. Adam’s sin was the sin of pride.
The word ‘original’ can be defined as something present or existing from the beginning or earliest time. Thus Adam’s sin is personally our own insofar each of us is affected by it. And it is grave in the sense that it bars us from the Beatific Vision. This sin of pride arises within us. It is natural only in that all human nature possesses it, and it can only be removed by supernatural intervention. Because of his pride, Cain refused to listen to God and allow His influence to permeate his soul where the trouble started. Unlike Abel, he was unwilling to master his nature and humble himself with God’s help. Abel, on the other hand, had opened his soul to God and allowed Him to transform his nature which rendered his offerings acceptable to Him. Abel gave God his best in collaboration with God.
God said to His chosen people: “At that time I will gather you; at that time I will bring you home. I will give you honor and praise among all the peoples of the earth when I restore your fortunes before your very eyes" (Zeph. 3:20). With regard to our natural state, we can say that without God’s help we cannot lead the good life that is needed for our salvation. By original sin human nature is wounded in its natural powers and is inclined to evil, though not totally corrupt. Our freedom from the slavery of sin can never be accomplished by the exercise of our free will alone. Whenever we fall from grace, it is God who ultimately restores the soul’s fortunes through the actual graces He imparts to us so that we can realign our will with His. It is by our natural tendency to reject God out of pride and an inordinate self-love that we may become enslaved to sin and place ourselves in the bondage of our disordered passions. God allowed His people to be taken captive whenever they rejected and gravely offended Him by erecting idols in His place.
Pride is the original sin. It is something that was not created by God, but arose out of a vacuum both within Lucifer and Adam as autonomous beings. Isaiah 14:13 voices what Adam and Eve felt, not unlike Lucifer, when they chose to disobey and reject God: ‘I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God, … I will be like the Most High.’ God rejected Cain’s offerings because of his pride. Unlike Abel, he regarded himself equal to God, which explains why he refused to acknowledge his guilt for having offended God when he presented his offerings. Whatever actual sins he may have committed in the past he felt justified in committing them. He chose to be a law unto himself. Thus God rejected his offerings because they weren’t made out of love for God. He would have approached God with a humble and contrite heart if he loved Him and acknowledged his dependence on God as an imperfect creature of His instead of exalting himself.
Pride is the original sin that imbrues our nature and is the source of all the actual sins we commit. In this state man is deprived of the original justice and holiness. I’m afraid it isn’t simply a matter of poor judgment and an abuse of our free will when we sin against God. The root of the problem lies within the recesses of our soul in its union with the body. Man is a composite being. Unless the Holy Spirit dwells in our soul, it remains unsanctified.
***Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall. ***
Proverbs 16, 18
Cain envied and hated his brother, then killed him. God punished Cain, because Cain had the power to do otherwise.
God punished Cain for having proudly felt justified in hating and envying Abel. His disordered passions became so intense that he eventually murdered his brother. Yet he had already slain him in his heart before he actually murdered him. The gates of Heaven would have remained closed to Cain if he had died in this proud and passionate state without even having physically murdered Abel.