I’m glad you liked it.
It always strikes me dumb at how huge the universe really is.
If you have some time to kill, this site gives you a scaled version of the solar system:
If the moon were only one pixel. That’s the scale one pixel for the moon… try to read all the little nuggets of text that the guy put there to cover the empty space in between planets.
But, God is personal, He is very personal. He is a bit of a geek or nerd but, of course not those words.
He is? How do you know?
What would satisfy you? Would you like God to just appear to you one morning when perhaps you are sipping your coffee or when ever you prefer and you are wondering about Him? Would that resolve the problem?
Where I am going with this is that He designed the Way. In His Wisdom and Love, He designed the best way to find Him and out of respect within that system He does not intrude - so you are free to find Him.
Yeah… I’ve heard that… some one called it the A.S.K. method… ask, seek and knock.
And repeat until the door opens.
Well, I can see the psychological underpinning of such a methodology and mark it as faulty, due to it taking advantage of a flaw in our minds.
The problem with God appearing one morning to me would be that I would be unable to discount my own mind playing tricks on me… dreams… hallucinations… crazy stuff.
Although, I may offer a much more satisfying alternative: I’d be glad if the guy appeared to every one. And not just once, but once in a while, to provide some insightful guidance into life. Every single individual would have a visit of the almighty loving creator.
This would have the side-effect of throwing out all religions - belief would not be required. People had direct access to the source - all people, equal access. No conflicts ever about beliefs. All would be in agreement about God.
Of course, if this was to happen… it should have been happening since the beginning… but hasn’t
Instead, we have… this world… with it’s different evolving religions, geographically contained groups of people believing in similar things… things brought on to most of them through conquest of territory, war, imposition… maintained mainly by successful generations of parents desiring their kids to be as they were, to believe as they do. Mysteries, unexplained details, abound in every religion. How simple it would have been for such a God to dispel all those mysteries… instead… nothing. People, theologians attempt to provide reasons ever more graceful, ever more precise, ever more fancy, for why those mysteries exist… but it’s all people. People is all I see, when God is concerned… any god. Wherever/whenever there are no people… all gods seem equally absent.
People spread the concept of souls.
People spread the concept of hell.
People spread the concept of heaven.
People spread the concept of eternity of the souls in any of those places.
People… prophets, saints, priests, bishops, popes… even Jesus… clerics, oracles, imams, rabbis, sheiks, monks… all are people.