I am sorry for neglecting to reply. I do not have good internet forum etiquette, and I don’t always understand when I’m supposed to reply. I usually only reply to something when I feel that someone has stated something seriously erroneous or unfounded or outrageous. I agree with you that many people seem to believe God is akin to a “super human maniac.” I think this is bound to happen though, because God’s nature is so totally “other” we can’t fathom it, so we project our mania, obsession, selfishness, or other negative characteristic onto our concept of God. These “gods” we make are not worthy of belief, upon examination. I truly believe we are able to make only negative statements about the real God (i.e) " omnipotent" means “his power has no limitations” or “omniscient” means “there is nothing he doesn’t know.”
I would like to modify my stance somewhat, and this is not a reply to you specifically, but to this and other related threads on this forum:
First, if one is a professing Roman Catholic believer, then one has good reasons to suppose hell exists and that people go there. It is undeniable that the architects and heroes of the faith built this doctrine and proclaimed it unceasingly, without soft-pedaling it or minimizing it. I think, even with all of the argumentation against hell, it could still exist, if the Roman Catholic church truly “speaks with the voice of God.” Though it seems pointless, one could always argue that “only God knows the purpose” or some thing like that. I am not here to proselytize anyone away from the Roman Catholic faith, that is not the point of Catholic Answers. Sometimes I can’t believe they allow me to post the things that I do. It is a testament to their charity and fair-mindedness. 700 years ago, I probably would have been tried and executed, and the things I have written would have been burned or otherwise destroyed! This is a sobering thought. Actually, I would have been too cowardly to voice my dissent, so I would have toed the line for fear of violent punishment. Even more likely I would have been illiterate and would never have written anything. I digress…
I just want to back off a little bit here; I’ve laid out my arguments but they are not meant to proselytize or encourage anyone to become a heretic or apostate.
Readers should know that I have excommunicated myself over and over again due to my beliefs and public statements (though anonymous). I have been “cursed to damnation” (anathema) many times by the Church (as a mystical body) based on my beliefs and public statements. I live a life of utter rank apostasy. I haven’t received any sacraments for quite a long time, and have no sacramental items in my home. I refuse to bow or kneel before any statues, tabernacles, etc. So, it is entirely possible that I am doing Satan’s work. All my arguments could be the product of satanic or demonic influence. I could be aiding him in dragging more souls down to endless hell. I mention this in order to give good Catholics a solid reason to doubt my argumentation. It could all be a trick of the devil, so it is best to be skeptical.