Monism: "The doctrine that only one supreme being exists. - Oxford Dictionary
Dualism is the theory that mind and matter are both eternal, which is incompatible with the belief that God created everything.
Monism can also mean “the belief that there is only one being.” This is what I meant, and what is incompatible with Catholicism. I do not support dualism. My metaphysical outlook is very similar to traditional Catholic beliefs.
Immortality doesn’t imply that souls have always existed. It means they cannot die.
Immortal = not mortal.
Right, so Socrates’ argument in
Symposium and
Phaedrus is invalid, since souls have not always existed. Socrates argues, in a nutshell, that we are immortal in spirit precisely because our spirits are not created and thus cannot be destroyed. However, since we are created, we can be destroyed. This is always true. Name one thing that can be created but not destroyed. Don’t say “human souls” or I’ll have to laugh!
“The spiritual and immortal soul is created** immediately **by God at the moment of individuation at conception.” - CCC 382
Here is a short informative article.
According to that argument there is no afterlife!
I don’t think so, it just means that there isn’t
necessarily an afterlife. The written Torah does not explicitly say so, and the authors of some of the books seem to think there is no afterlife, while others do. I personally believe there is. This has always been the majority opinion of the Rabbis.
It is impossible to “disown” God because He created us and sustains us. We can reject Him but He never rejects us, regardless of what we do. He doesn’t descend to our level because He loves everything He has created.
Not so! There are many examples of people turning their backs on God, refusing to obey, or engaging in great evil. God punishes these people by destroying them. Consider Lot’s wife! She refused to obey, and was destroyed directly by the hand of God.
I don’t claim to be infallible…[snip]…There is some good even in the most diabolical person.
I don’t think you have ever claimed to be infallible, but you are claiming to be potentially correct, even though your opinion is at odds with…pretty much every important theologian in Catholic history. I do not think your opinion is at odds with common sense however. We all recognize that “no one deserves such a horrific fate.” Granted, I also agree that it seems unlikely anyone has ever been “totally evil.” However, maybe we don’t need to be “totally evil” to deserve annihilation. Maybe simply refusing to listen to God’s explicit instructions is enough, like Lot’s wife…
It is impossible for us to destroy ourselves. We are not given the power over life or death. We can kill our body but our soul is a different matter altogether. God punishes no one. If we hate others we poison our personality but not to the point of destruction. God alone decides what happens to us in the next world. You admit He does not punish endlessly and mercilessly and capital punishment at the spiritual level would be an irrevocable decision. We cannot destroy ourselves because we do not have divine power. It would mean we can destroy persons he has created - which is absurd.
Then what is Jesus talking about, this one we should fear, who can “destroy both body and soul in gehenna?” Does satan have “divine power?” Or, is Jesus just exaggerating again? Or, is God doing the destroying?
Oh, but we
can destroy ourselves. Mortal sin causes “spiritual death” right? Apparently, not so! Our souls live forever no matter what we do, according to you. And, we will probably enjoy our time in hell at least somewhat. So, do whatever you want, no big deal.
There is another more reasonable option. Hell exists but it is not so terrible as many people believe. There is some good in every person and that brings them consolation. Even in Hell suffering purifies and brings the damned closer to God. Jesus had to simplify in order to warn everyone of the dangers of becoming callous and ruthless but in reality life after death is far more complex than going to Heaven or Hell. Since there are degrees of good and evil there must be degrees of suffering. Even in Hell some people are closer to God than others!
Again, this is a tiny minority opinion. If this were true, then why would the testimonies of so many important Catholics contradict this?
Divine justice is more perfect than we can imagine because no one deserves to die forever but at the same time no one deserves to live forever. The truth is usually found between extremes. God’s love is His paramount attribute. He gives us the gift of eternal life in heaven and the gift of freedom to reject His love forever but He doesn’t give us the “gift” of eternal death because it would be a curse. No one except a lunatic wants to cease to exist in any shape or form without any possibility of ever coming back to life - and God respects that fact. He is not a killer but a Father - for ever and ever and ever…
Not so! Those who are tormented beg for death. Many people commit suicide each day, sadly. Are they all lunatics? It may comfort you to think so, but it seems unlikely. How many more would yearn for death in an endless hell? If so many millions can’t handle life, what makes you think they would be able to cope with endless torment?