I’m saying the subjective construction of meaning begins with an act of the will. You either want there to be meaning, or you don’t. The objective fact of meaning is still there, whether or not you subjectively subscribe to it.
Earthly life is not an end in itself. Those who regard it as an end in itself have missed the point. In which case their lives are pointless in the objective sense.
That would be the point of The Imitation of Christ.
We are the ones who determine where we spend eternity because we alone choose how to live - for ourselves or for others.
It is a reason that is both subjective and objective. A far more compelling reason is love for God and all His creatures. It applies to
everyone - including ourselves.
Again it is a reason that is both subjective and objective. There is no reason why a reason cannot be both!

It is possible to be objective even when we are thinking about ourselves. It doesn’t mean we must totally ignore ourselves. We are told to love others
as we love ourselves…
Being objective means being realistic, not excluding ourselves from the picture.
OK, you are both right in what you say. The position that “EVERYTHING is meaningless” is just a quasi-philosophical statement.
But still, it is a real thought (or feeling) which comes to me sometimes (often, actually), and probably a lot of other people. I suppose it’s just part of being a human, and being able to adopt numerous points of view- including to adopt a point of view (a fictive one, perhaps), from which human endeavors seem like a waste of time and effort.
I often get this feeling in a big cities- seeing millions of people, all busy with one thing or the other, no one caring about each other-and I think- all these lives, all this trouble, and stress- all means NOTHING. In 100 years, it will all be forgotten. In 10,000 years, this city will all be dust.
And viewed from the point of view of a distant star, the whole earth is just a speck of light…Amongst countless billions.
Nothing last forever, except the pain of a broken heart. All joys go, all sorrow abides. Life is just learning to say ‘goodbye’. A long walk to our own personal Calvaries, through the endless winter of meaningless suffering and broken dreams.
Yet, it is at that personal Calvary that comes to all- the last hour of despair, when all hope is gone, and Love itself lies broken and bleeding upon the Cross of this life, that the final word is sighed- “My God, why have you abandoned me”- then, through Christ, we are released from this prison, and finally, the soul, free from EVERYTHING, free from itself, free from existence, can say, “It is consumated”. Embrace the void, and thus embrace God, who dwells in inaccessible light.
Thus God wills, thus it is. Thus is was for Christ, thus it must be for his disciple.
Don’t you ever feel that way?