What gives me a sense of meaning, on THIS side of eternity, besides just “waiting for the next life” is knowing that, in the mind of God, all is an eternal “Now.” God, we must recall, from eternity and to eternity, is aware of every single moment from the dawn of time to the end. He holds every single event, to the smallest particle’s movement, intimately in His mind, and it never passes from it. Indeed, we human beings may be able to have the same perspective, once we enter into Heaven and are able to share–to some extent–in the mind and knowledge of God. In fact, simply living in eternity, outside of Time, as we shall in the next life, entails having a perspective where all of history does not become nonexistent, but rather becomes “frozen” in eternity.
What this means is that, while it seems to us that anything we work for will pass 100 years from now, in Eternity nothing will pass. Now, that may seem terrible when we think of evil and suffering in the world, but from the perspective of eternity I believe that somehow it will all fit together like a beautiful tapestry or mosaic. The dark and seemingly ugly parts will all fit together with the good and wonderful, so that the whole and complete tapestry or mosaic is a thing of glory. A thing that would NOT look as it did if any given event, in all of history–even down to the life and death of the smallest microbe, or the journey of a single subatomic particle–had been different.
So, on the contrary, eternity means that everything that happens has real meaning, real merit, for all eternity. Time will pass away, in the sense that we will no longer be trapped or limited by it, but I believe that the history of Creation will continue to exist in eternity as that breathtaking tapestry. Not one accomplishment, from the most inspiring romance to the most spectacular of arts, from a single hug to the most elaborate of celebrations, will ever “cease to be.” Not one moment will cease to exist. Rather, in eternity, they will be even more vibrant than they were, for in Time each moment seems to pass away. In eternity, each moment will be readily visible–all at the same time–as part of the mosaic known as “History”, and it will be like the most glorious piece of art we have ever seen.
This is why I believe everything will still matter, will still have value, even in eternity.
Blessings in Christ,