Sometimes people can’t afford things. If that something is very important (like food or healthcare) I think other people should do the Christ-like thing and contribute what they can. I don’t think it’s at all Christ-like to force people to be charitable, though.
Sometimes, people CHOOSE not to get medical insurance even when they can afford it. It’s their choice.
In addition, hospitals are required by law to treat everyone who shows up. So people do have universal health care; they just don’t have universal insurance.
It’s important to make a distinction between health care and medical insurance.
Some places, the states require that medical insurance be so comprehensive that the cost becomes prohibitive.
I can choose any level of coverage I want for car insurance, liability insurance, house insurance, etc … but in some states, I can’t choose the level of coverage that I want for medical insurance.
If I’m a single person, I should be able to exclude coverage that excludes obstetrics, if I want to. I should be able to buy a policy that only covers major medical and not sniffles. I should be able to buy “layered” insurance. I should be able to buy an HSA or MSA for a single individual, but often I’m not allowed to.
I can buy life insurance for non-smokers; why can I not buy medical insurance for non-smokers?
Why can I not custom design my own medical insurance?
The insurance companies are more than willing to provide customized medical insurance, but the state governments won’t allow it in some or many cases.