Well you have to be a little more perspicacious than that, I think. God can’t create a squared circle? God isn’t omnipotent!
Clearly the right definition of omnipotence is “God can do anything which it is possible to do”. Which, if the only thing possible for Him to do is what He has actually done, leads to no conflict.
A squared circle does indeed exist: it is called a cylinder.
Viewed along its axis, it is a circle, across its equator, a square.
G_d exists outside of any universe, for all creation exists in G_d.
What impossible in this universe, is not necessarily impossible outside it.
The laws of this universe do not allow for the Big Bang.
Its laws lie out side of this universe, or as physicists describe it, in a higher dimensional continuum.
As for Paul, he was only a man.
Some of the time he spoke with inspiration,
sometimes he saw through a glass darkly.
Sometimes the rantings of Saul were in his mouth.
It is indeed possible for G_d to do what we perceive as evil, and to reveal that which we perceive as false.
It is not G_d who is at fault, but our perception.
The destruction of the universe at the end of time, can be perceived as the grossest of genocide. But it has been promised, that this will occur, and physicists accept that this is true.
In a valid perception, this is G_d performing evil.
The account of the creation in Genesis was inspired by G_d.
In some literal senses, it is a gross falsehood.
In a valid perception, this is G_d spreading lies.
Sometimes a higher purpose is served by performing what seems evil, to our limited understanding, and sometimes a tale, which is factually false, can encapsulate a higher truth, just like the parables of Our Lord.
There is NO limit upon G_d’s omnipotence.
There are some inevitable results of some abilities.
For instance, should G_d choose to see the end of days, the end of days will thereupon happen, for this universe, and as far as we can tell, all possible universes, depend upon uncertainty for their existence. Schroedinger’s cat.