Opinion only right or wrong in pondering heavily questioning, that God is responsible for evil for not offering Beatific Vision as a gift. But oh!! He did, stating other wise, is one who Knows not His Spoken Word and All His instructions given, to all the prophets who came before us, to give us Knowledge, Truth and HIS Spoken Word?
God is NOT responsible for evil, for we would be calling God a liar would we? For HE is Truth, clearly tells us All I created is Good, VERY GOOD! I have chosen to dare not judge the ONE who created me,sorry?
He came physically to those, who ate with, talk with, waked among, stayed with, cried with, defended, taught, all those who would become HIS physically witnesses ( bring 2 or more?) thus their testimony was also written not only in HIS Time, but to those in the future who would come after them, to read and to hear, to testify, to spread HIS Word into all nations?
God our Heavenly Father makes it clear, right in the beginning of HIS Word, all He created was Good, very Good, no evil there is there? But He clearly identifies what HE did not create>>The Tree of Good and Evil,do not eat from? Free Will sadly rejected the truth and choose the lie?
And in the beginning gives Knowledge, of what is good , leaves us not ignorant, gives continually HIS Knowledge to us? Does God not also have Free Will, chooses and creates what HE wills also?
God gives us all Free Will? No one has power over you, nor can force you can they? Thus He gives us Free Will also? Not responsible then for what we choose for ourselves is He?
All He created was Very Good, we by our own Free Will choose what defiles us, do we not?
What does good and evil have in common? Nothing! God makes that very clear and that HE does not join to either?
HE gave more then a vision Mother Earth for He created all our eyes rest upon, but He came in the flesh, using what was >>Visible, what we only knew or understood, to teach us about what was>> Invisible, did He not?
In All His Infinite Wisdom, he left us not helpless, orphans, telling us through His Spoken Word, sending us his prophets, since the beginning of time, I do not want you to be ignorant, thus gives us Knowledge to know what is right or wrong, example Ten Commandments? Sermon on the Mount?
Eyes to see and ears to hear?
A Conscious MIND? A heart? Soul? The 4 Senses? He equipped our Being with all that was needed?
All that was needed was common sense stating it is not difficult even a child could comprehend?
Thus even giving us the gift of Free Will?
To share in All that was HIS Freely, all He created was good very good and what HE created, He provided for All our Spiritual and Physical needs to continue to exist?
He also had Free Will, did HE not? Thus within HIS Desire, His own Desire of Free Will, He choose to give Free Will to all, to experience for ourselves the great Love, Joy, Peace, Free Will offers and to help share in continuing to build upon His Creation, upon all His Goodness?
A Gift is not a Gift if one takes it back right? Thus Free Will>>I believe He will never take back, for then it would make HIM responsible, God would then be held accountable for our personal choices we make, oh the depth of such Infinite Wisdom!
What is Love if one is forced to Love?
With Free Will it gives us all the Freedom and right to choose, to question, to examine, but what comes also with Free Will, it makes US >ALL responsible and accountable for our own choices, whether they are good or bad and how our own Free Will choices will effect the very lives of others and those around us? Just opinion not to offend either, but pondering on what one as stated. Peace
God is NOT responsible for evil, for we would be calling God a liar would we? For HE is Truth, clearly tells us All I created is Good, VERY GOOD! I have chosen to dare not judge the ONE who created me,sorry?
He came physically to those, who ate with, talk with, waked among, stayed with, cried with, defended, taught, all those who would become HIS physically witnesses ( bring 2 or more?) thus their testimony was also written not only in HIS Time, but to those in the future who would come after them, to read and to hear, to testify, to spread HIS Word into all nations?
God our Heavenly Father makes it clear, right in the beginning of HIS Word, all He created was Good, very Good, no evil there is there? But He clearly identifies what HE did not create>>The Tree of Good and Evil,do not eat from? Free Will sadly rejected the truth and choose the lie?
And in the beginning gives Knowledge, of what is good , leaves us not ignorant, gives continually HIS Knowledge to us? Does God not also have Free Will, chooses and creates what HE wills also?
God gives us all Free Will? No one has power over you, nor can force you can they? Thus He gives us Free Will also? Not responsible then for what we choose for ourselves is He?
All He created was Very Good, we by our own Free Will choose what defiles us, do we not?
What does good and evil have in common? Nothing! God makes that very clear and that HE does not join to either?
HE gave more then a vision Mother Earth for He created all our eyes rest upon, but He came in the flesh, using what was >>Visible, what we only knew or understood, to teach us about what was>> Invisible, did He not?
In All His Infinite Wisdom, he left us not helpless, orphans, telling us through His Spoken Word, sending us his prophets, since the beginning of time, I do not want you to be ignorant, thus gives us Knowledge to know what is right or wrong, example Ten Commandments? Sermon on the Mount?
Eyes to see and ears to hear?
A Conscious MIND? A heart? Soul? The 4 Senses? He equipped our Being with all that was needed?
All that was needed was common sense stating it is not difficult even a child could comprehend?
Thus even giving us the gift of Free Will?
To share in All that was HIS Freely, all He created was good very good and what HE created, He provided for All our Spiritual and Physical needs to continue to exist?
He also had Free Will, did HE not? Thus within HIS Desire, His own Desire of Free Will, He choose to give Free Will to all, to experience for ourselves the great Love, Joy, Peace, Free Will offers and to help share in continuing to build upon His Creation, upon all His Goodness?
A Gift is not a Gift if one takes it back right? Thus Free Will>>I believe He will never take back, for then it would make HIM responsible, God would then be held accountable for our personal choices we make, oh the depth of such Infinite Wisdom!
What is Love if one is forced to Love?
With Free Will it gives us all the Freedom and right to choose, to question, to examine, but what comes also with Free Will, it makes US >ALL responsible and accountable for our own choices, whether they are good or bad and how our own Free Will choices will effect the very lives of others and those around us? Just opinion not to offend either, but pondering on what one as stated. Peace