In every corner of the world there is a power struggle, and there is only one person/company/country OR a few that run it… in every single prison, in every ghetto, in every slum, in every tribe, in every city, in every state, in every business sector, in every industry, and so on. You are either a pawn or you are simply the guy who has the privilege to throw the dice, play the hand and move those pawns around as you see it fit.
I’m a Turk who has been all over the map on both sides of the pond, besides my home country, and I will gladly tell you: I’m happy to take the US any day (any time!) over Russia or China, for if it’s not the US, it is going to be either one of these countries soon to take up charge and run the entire world we so love. As far as the foreign politics in general, the US is not the bad guy here, any country would have done the same for the benefit of its own citizens first - and then the others. Of course, they will influence and run the world, and I personally do not see any other greater nation on earth in our day and age to provide with such good laws and freedoms of all sorts, in spite of its cultural/moral flaws.