Is it God's fault people go to hell?

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In C.S. Lewis’ fantasy ‘The Great Divorce’ he describes a bus load of people from hell who come to the outskirts of heaven. There they are urged to leave behind the sins that have trapped them in hell, but they refuse. Lewis’ depiction of those are striking, because in them we recognise the self delusion and self absorption that are “On the small scale” in our own addictions.

Hell begins with a grumbling mood, always complaining, always blaming others… but you are still distinct from it. You may even criticize yourself and wish you could stop it. But there may come a day when you can no longer. Then there will be no you left to criticize the mood or even enjoy it, but just the grumble itself, going on forever like a machine. It is not a question of God “sending us” to hell. In each of us there is something growing, which will BE HELL unless it is nipped in the bud. - C.S. Lewis

The people in hell are miserable and C.S. Lewis helps show us why. We se raging like unchecked flames their pride, their paranoia, their self-pity, their certainty that everyone else is wrong, that everyone else is and idiot! All their humility is gone, and thus so is their sanity. They are locked in a prison of their own self centeredness, and their pride progressively expands into a bigger and bigger mushroom cloud. They continue to go to pieces forever, blaming everyone but themselves. Hell is that, on a large scale.

This is why it’s a travesty to picture God throwing people into hell crying “I’m sorry! Let me out!” The people on the bus from hell would rather have their “freedom,” as they define it, instead of salvation. Ironically they fail to see their sins for what they are -

*“The very freedom which the sinner supposedly exercises in his self-indulgence is only another proof that he is ruled by the tyrant.” *
― Fulton J. Sheen, Life of Christ

In short, hell is simply one’s freely chosen identity apart from God on a trajectory into infinity. We see this process “On the small scale” in addictions to drugs, alcohol, gambling, and pornography. First, there is disintegration, because as time goes on you need more and more of the addictive substance to get a kick, which leads to less and less satisfaction.

Second, there is the isolation, as increasingly they blame others and circumstances in order to justify their behaviour. “No one understands, Everyone is against me!” is muttered in greater and greater self-pity and self-absorption. When we build our lives on anything but God, that thing, though a good, thing becomes an enslaving addiction, something we have to have to be happy.

Personal disintegration happens on a broader scale, in eternity, this disintegration goes on forever. There is increasing isolation, denial, delusion, and self-absorption. When we lose all humility we are out of touch with reality. No one ever asks to leave hell. The very idea of Heaven seems to them a sham.
The Truth Will Set You Free:
John 8:31-34

31 Jesus then said to the Jews who had believed in him, “If you continue in my word, you are truly my disciples, 32 and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.” 33 They answered him, “We are descendants of Abraham, and have never been in bondage to any one. How is it that you say, ‘You will be made free’?”

34 Jesus answered them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, every one who commits sin is a slave to sin.
Their delusion is that if they glorified God, they would somehow lose power and freedom, but in a supreme and tragic irony, their choice has ruined their own potential for greatness. Hell is, as Lewis say’s “The greatest monument to human freedom.” As Romans 1:24 basically says “God gave them up to their own desires.” All God does in the end is give them what they most want, including freedom from himself. What could be more fair than that? Lewis writes -

There are only two kinds of people, those who say “Thy will be done” to God or those to whom God says in the end “Alright, Thy will be done.” All that are in hell choose it. Without that self choice it wouldn’t be hell. No soul that seriously and constantly desires joy will ever miss it.

I hope this has helped

God Bless

Thank you for reading
In short, hell is simply one’s freely chosen identity apart from God on a trajectory into infinity.
God forces people into a short earthly existence and despite his knowing that they will reject him and therefore will spend infinity in hell, he creates these people anyway.

You consistently fail to address the simple fact;

God creates people knowing that they will spend eternity in hell and then blames them for not choosing him.

He knew they weren’t going to choose him! 🤷
Of course people are responsible for their actions.
But ultimately, God is the one who “decides” who goes to hell or not, He has the power, and he chooses.
So while “fault” may not be the correct word…God made hell and decides who goes there.
We, as humans, can’t even decide and don’t even know exactly what hell is, it seems.
It’s God’s domain.

It is not obvious that God created hell. I believe hell is created by those who have rejected Him.

On what basis do you claim that God created hell?

On what basis is God’s decision made on who is in heaven and who is in hell?
It is not obvious that God created hell. I believe hell is created by those who have rejected Him.

On what basis do you claim that God created hell?

On what basis is God’s decision made on who is in heaven and who is in hell?
Wherever hell is, it is God who provides a place for those souls condemned to hell. It is God who chooses to allow souls to remain condemned in hell for eternity and it is God who chooses to never will those souls out of existence.

There can be no hell without God.

On what basis? God made man without his consent and God made the rules for entry into his Kingdom, also without his consent or (name removed by moderator)ut.

Before God brings a person into existence, does God know if that person ends up in heaven or hell at the end of their life? Yes or No.

If the answer is yes, then there is nothing anyone can do to change the outcome.

If the answer is no, then God is not all knowing.
Before God brings a person into existence, does God know if that person ends up in heaven or hell at the end of their life? Yes or No.

If the answer is yes, then there is nothing anyone can do to change the outcome.

If the answer is no, then God is not all knowing.
This is the logical fallacy of the false dicotomy. The is no “before” with God. The is only now. Therefore your question has no meaning.
This is the logical fallacy of the false dicotomy. The is no “before” with God. The is only now. Therefore your question has no meaning.
A convenience which allows you to avoid the problem of an all knowing God creating souls destined for eternal damnation.

If there was no God, there would be no souls eternally eamned.

Surely non existence is preferable to eternal damnation.

It is like digging a pool in the middle of a children’s play ground and then blaming the children for drowning.
I pray that all those who reject God may accept Him, love Him and live in a way so they may spend an eternity of joy with Him in Heaven.
God forces people into a short earthly existence and despite his knowing that they will reject him and therefore will spend infinity in hell, he creates these people anyway.

You consistently fail to address the simple fact;
I addressed it in my post. It’s simply not true.

God foresees that everyone could potentially reject him. He also foresees that everyone could potentially accept him. Then he gives each person that choice. It’s not like God can only see one potential life timeline for each of us. He sees every outcome of every choice we could possibly make, and then allows us to pick which ones we want.
Of course people are responsible for their actions.
But ultimately, God is the one who “decides” who goes to hell or not, He has the power, and he chooses.
So while “fault” may not be the correct word…God made hell and decides who goes there.
We, as humans, can’t even decide and don’t even know exactly what hell is, it seems.
It’s God’s domain
  1. God does not decide who goes and who doesn’t go. We decide this for ourselves.
  2. God did not create hell. The creatures did (by sinning)… men and angels who fell.
  3. Souls in hell don’t want to leave hell, that’s what keeps them there.
Nowhere in the Bible does it say that God created hell: Genesis 1:1… “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”

I can’t remember who said it, but someone once wrote: “One drop of contrition could empty hell… but it will never happen.” Nobody down there is contrite. Souls in hell hate hell, but they are there because they hate heaven more., and God respects their wishes.

This is basic Christianity 101.
A convenience which allows you to avoid the problem of an all knowing God creating souls destined for eternal damnation.
Which souls are destined for enternal damnation? Scripture records that God desires all to be saved.
If there was no God, there would be no souls eternally eamned.
If there were no God, there would be nothing.
Surely non existence is preferable to eternal damnation.
Question begging speculation.
It is like digging a pool in the middle of a children’s play ground and then blaming the children for drowning.
Not even close to being a valid analogy.
A convenience which allows you to avoid the problem of an all knowing God creating souls destined for eternal damnation.

If there was no God, there would be no souls eternally eamned.

Surely non existence is preferable to eternal damnation.

It is like digging a pool in the middle of a children’s play ground and then blaming the children for drowning.
Anytime is now for a being outside of time, so it is no excuse to say that God is out of time. According to Christianity the Holy Spirit is among us as a teacher…or did he leave after the apostles?

I also agree, non-existence would be preferable.
Which souls are destined for enternal damnation? Scripture records that God desires all to be saved.
Then why does God create people he knows are going to hell forever?
If there were no God, there would be nothing.
…and not a single soul suffering in hell.
Not even close to being a valid analogy.
It’s a perfect analogy, as God knew his creation would fail, that his Angels would revolt, that hell would be the outcome and that man would sin.

…but he did it all anyway.:eek:

Between hell and non-existence, non-existence would be preferable.
Imagine being Jesus, humbling himself to take the form of man on earth. He suffered a cruel, barbaric death and was tortured to save us. He did this so our sins could be forgiven and so we could live with Him in heaven forever. He would have done all this for just one person if only one person existed. It must break His heart when people reject Him and His sacrifice of love is wasted.
This is the logical fallacy of the false dicotomy. The is no “before” with God. The is only now. Therefore your question has no meaning.
Are you saying that God has no knowledge of “before” the Incarnation?
It must break His heart when people reject Him and His sacrifice of love is wasted.
God already knows who has rejected him and who will reject him in the future. God has always known this.

How could God create all of this, know exactly which children would reject him and then when they do actually reject him, then turn around and claim he is heart broken?

It doesn’t make sense.
If God creates each one of us choosing our particular environments and conditions into which we’re born, knowing full well the consequences of each of our actions and being able to foresee our ultimate fate, then does he send us to hell? Kind of like a car manufacturer building a faulty car

God didn’t send Adam & Eve to hell even though God put them in a particular enviroment, God told them what was good for them & what wasn’t, they listened to the serpent. The attrition between God & us was probably on going before we were ever invented.
If you go to hell, it’s just because you preferred darkness to light, fire over water +++
God didn’t send Adam & Eve to hell even though God put them in a particular enviroment, God told them what was good for them & what wasn’t, they listened to the serpent. The attrition between God & us was probably on going before we were ever invented.
If you go to hell, it’s just because you preferred darkness to light, fire over water +++
God knew that by putting the tree in the Garden, that they would disobey him. God knew that by allowing the serpent in the garden, that the serpent would deceive his children.

That’s what being all knowing means.
God knew that by putting the tree in the Garden, that they would disobey him. God knew that by allowing the serpent in the garden, that the serpent would deceive his children.

That’s what being all knowing means.
Except you are constraining God to a temporal environment.

Did Adam and Eve repent? They had the opportunity to do so. God’s mercy is such that they would not have remained condemned.
Except you are constraining God to a temporal environment.

Did Adam and Eve repent? They had the opportunity to do so. God’s mercy is such that they would not have remained condemned.
To my knowledge, in the story, Adam did not repent and God kicked him out of the garden, which was necessary for Gods master plan.

If Adam didn’t eat the Apple, then there’d be no Jesus.

If God hadn’t put the tree and the serpent in the garden, there’d be no Jesus.

God knew Adam would sin before he even created Adam.

God knew all of this, which makes the part of the story where God acts all disappointed, really kinda weird, as God is clearly play acting, as he can’t act disappointed, as he already knew what was going to happen.

It’s also strange the authors portrayed God not being able to find Adam in the garden. Which is an odd way to frame an all knowing God.
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