Honestly, if hell turns out to be real, it would be far better for nothing to exist, than for the absolute vast majority of Gods children to have been created, only to end up in hell.
After all, if we didn’t exist, we wouldn’t know about it.
Without God, there is no hell.
God knows that the baby he just created, is going to one day end up for eternity in hell, but God created that baby anyway.
God created a person to live for a short period of time on earth, knowing that that person will spend eternity in hell.
That’s just cruel in my view.
987mk, former Catholic you have said about yourself in other posts, you are still a Catholic even when you decide to walk ahead of Jesus or away from him. You are one of the Baptized.
The God of Catholics is, as you stated, the “prime mover”, knowing all. Yet you did not finish your description of this God. He is “Love” - complete Love, through and through, for us, for you, for everyone who will be with him in Paradise, for everyone who will be in Hell, for all the angels, good and bad, for Satan himself.
How can Love and Hell stand side by side?
Because Hell is not what you think it is. Hell is the appearance of reality to those there. They have all kinds of desires, hungers, and want satisfaction, but everything around them looks ugly and unsatisfying, and on fire. Why? because it was made by God whom they do not love. In “heaven”, we will have all kinds of desires and hungers that are fully satisfied in the sight of all that is around us. Why? because it was made by God whom we do love.
Here today, we look on something ugly and despicable, and love it - the cross, and Jesus dead there with his blood drained out, and we “take and eat”, we “take and drink” of what is in appearance ugly and unsatisfying for our hunger for life. Others despise the ugliness, and instead make things that appear beautiful and satisfying to consume for living in satisfaction.
Those things they make will not be around after death, then, at that point, the only things available will be what come from God. And they will be infinitely dreadful to those who do not want any part of God but only what they can fashion for themselves.
Yet God Loves them - setting all goodness out in front of them.
You know all this - that there is a call to you to “come follow me”, “Come, take and eat”, “Come take and drink”. Let go of a theoretical argument meant to confuse you from loving this God; it is the same argument used by Satan to lure Adam and Eve into thinking God is being deceptive and being arrogant. Let go of this argument that the world uses to paint God as ugly and evil and therefore a reason for not eating the fruit of the ugly tree (the Cross). You are one of the Elect (you were chosen and baptized by the Church), do not give up your sanctification.