God knew Adam would eat the apple, but went ahead and left the tree there anyway.
Would a loving parent leave a box of poisoned chocolate in a child’s room, telling them not to eat the chocolate or they’ll die?
Then when the child eats the chocolate and dies, all the blame is put on the child?
Lol no.
Everyone would agree, the parent should not have left the poison in their child’s room, as they should have known their child would eat the chocolate.
In the case of God, it wasn’t something he should have known…it was a known certainty, but he did it anyway.
‘‘God knew Adam would eat the apple, but went ahead and left the tree there anyway.’’
One explanation is that God wanted Adam and Eve to freely choose God,not to always stay with him because they cannot disobey him at all.
Also,once again,you are pushing the blame towards God.
Yes,God knew they would disobey him,but how is this God’s responsibility?
It is Adam and Eve who choose to go against God,God had absolutely nothing to do with their free choice.
He might know everything,but omniscience does not equal predicting or setting up and controling what will happen.
‘‘Would a loving parent leave a box of poisoned chocolate in a child’s room, telling them not to eat the chocolate or they’ll die?’’
Here we go with the faulty almost semi-biased analogies.
Now,the apples are not chocolate.
The apples are not tasty by nature.
Adam and Eve trusted God not to eat the apples when he said they would die because they weren’t everyday normal humans that is in their nature to fall for evil.
However,the Serpent told them they would not die.
He told them they would be like Gods.
Keep in mind Adam and Eve were tempted not just by someone saying they wouldn’t die…but that they would be like gods.
The promise of power here is not and cannot in any way equal the promise of something earthly as mere chocolate in this context.
With the promise of power,Adam and Eve had the choice…eather trust a serpent they met for the first time,or trust God.
They had both options available.
It was up to them whom they were going to trust…
‘‘Then when the child eats the chocolate and dies, all the blame is put on the child?’’
Keep in mind God is not in any way comparable to a parent.
He is beyond that.
Adam and Eve knew God much better then anyone of us could know.
It was much more then mere earthly parently connection,which makes your analogy look like a comparison of God to earthly material.
They trusted God,the creator of everything,but then a serpent shows up saying they would be Gods if they ate it…and from that moment it was up to them alone…whom they are going to trust.
Give me one valid reason to compare Adam and Eve’s special personal relationship with God that no other man ever had since the Fall to something imperfect and earthly.
‘‘Everyone would agree, the parent should not have left the poison in their child’s room, as they should have known their child would eat the chocolate.’’
The thing is,the relationship with God they had was much more then simple parently relationship.
They trusted when God told them they would die.And they choose to follow God.
But when someone says something different from God’s own promise…contradicts God’s commands…they are tempted…
Again…it was their choice whom they are going to trust:
Either God,who is perfect and gave Adam and Eve an immense relationship with him,and also gave them much more knowledge then we had.
Or a serpent who says the direct opposite of the perfect God but makes it a promise of power.
…Adam and Eve had all the information about God,and the superior knowledge God gave them,knowledge surpassing any earthly analogy you could think of,and had free will.
It was their choice,knowing full well who God was and what he said,and knowing what the serpent said…