bluemug #321
…happy are those who are poor, the kingdom of heaven is theirs
The interminable delusion is simply dispelled when the truth is known – it can set you free!
This is the reality:
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” [Mt 5:3].
This is yet another example of misinterpreting the Gospels (see Mt 5:3). This refers to the “ ‘poor in spirit’ – lowly in their own estimation who might be financially rich or poor, who humbly turn to God.”
A Catholic Commentary on Holy Scripture, General Editor Dom Bernard Orchard, Thomas Nelson, 1953, p 861].
As the eminent Fr James Schall, S.J., points out this is how poverty in the world is alleviated:
“Since the Church wants poverty confronted, since She wants this confrontation to be done justly and with the interest and cooperation of the workers and the poor, She has had to acknowledge, as did the socialist systems themselves, that there are certain ways that must be employed if mankind is to meet its economic problems. These ways can be known and imitated, but they must include a juridical system, profit, enterprise, knowledge, exchange, a market, voluntary organisations, a relatively independent economy, private property, and respect for work and excellence.” (Fr James V Schall, S.J., in *Does Catholicism Still Exist?, *Alba House 1994, p 184-185).
Jesus did not condemn the rich, or the poor. He condemned miserliness, and He praised the production of wealth and the wise use of talents. In all difficulties we can come to know the suffering of Christ.
Eradicating poverty has to be done one step at a time. Right now there is enough food to feed everyone. That has been so for many decades.
The revered Fr James V. Schall, S.J.:
‘Much of world poverty has in fact been reduced or alleviated, as a recent essay in The Economist has shown. Christians often seem not to know that this change has happened or why it happened.’
Further, between 1990 and 2010, their number fell by half as a share of the total population in developing countries, from 43% to 21%—a reduction of almost 1 billion people.