In faithful obedience to tradition, the sacred Council declares that holy Mother Church holds all lawfully acknowledged rites to be of equal right and dignity; that she wishes to preserve them in the future and to foster them in every way. The Council also desires that, where necessary, the rites be revised carefully in the light of sound tradition, and that they be given new vigor to meet the circumstances and needs of modern times.
If there is “two” Catholic faiths. Who is the supreme pontiff of your “Catholicism” (which loses the Apostolic succession, of course) and where does this “Catholic” faith reside?
Schism is defined as a division in the Church that did not involve doctrine. Schism is contrary to charity and obedience; to the former, because it severs the ties of fraternal charity, to the latter, because the schismatic rebels against the Divinely constituted hierarchy.The traditionalists have doctrinal differences, different liturgical traditions, and very soon will recognize different authorities than the “Novus Ordo” Catholics. That means the Catholic Church is currently going through the process of a schism
What you’re describing is the bandwagon fallacy!!! Good work.If Marshall is accompanied by enough traditionalists in claiming there are now two “Catholic” faiths occupying the same space then it is true merely by them claiming it…
I say that the claim itself, supported by enough people, suffices to prove the claim.
If there is “two” Catholic faiths. Who is the supreme pontiff of your “Catholicism” (which loses the Apostolic succession, of course) and where does this “Catholic” faith reside?
So pre-Vatican 2, correct? And what of the popes after V2?, that traditionalism is the “True” Faith
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