Is it ok to listen to Dr Taylor Marshall?

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I listen to his show, but only in small doses.

Has anyone read Infiltration? It sounds like a good read but I already have a stack of books two feet high on my nightstand I’m trying to get through…
He has a lot of very excellent information out there. Some that is hard to hear but worth investigating. He has a great grasp on the history, the theology and the reality of what is happening with the Catholic Church today. Another great apologist to look into is Steve Ray. He has several amazing talks on his conversion story, the papacy, Sola Fide etc…

I listen to his show, but only in small doses.

Has anyone read Infiltration? It sounds like a good read but I already have a stack of books two feet high on my nightstand I’m trying to get through…
Infiltration is very good. It’s sort of a birds eye view of events that have taken place over the last 150 years that have produced some very questionable events and outcomes.

His research is well documented and heavily cited throughout the book. It’s certainly not based on fake news or wildly speculative conspiracy theory.

In some ways it’s similar to someone writing about the corruption and coverup regarding the sex abuse that has occurred today. Even though we can’t uncover every person responsible, there’s enough evidence to definitely say a coverup did occur and we need to start asking some serious questions as to how it happened and what can we do to stop it from happening again.

His book does that, but on a wider scale and covering a larger period of time.
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Hi Monica,

I avoid Taylor Marshall as his focus and delivery is very divisive and inflammatory. You’re observation is right… he is anti-Pope Francis and is attempting to lead other to that same mindset.

I’ve seem some folks refer to him as a ‘news’ source… to be clear, he does not deliver news… some of what he delivers is educational, but his commentary on current events is heavily slanted and does not quality a news as that would require an unbiased representation of the facts.
he is anti-Pope Francis and is attempting to lead other to that same mindset.
Anti-Pope Francis in what way?

As in he doesn’t think he’s a valid Pope and that Catholics don’t need to follow him or recognize him as a valid successor?

Or merely because they are critical of his encyclicals and many of his statements?
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But was Archbishop Vigano wrong?
(Spoiler alert, he wasn’t)
Circumstances, facts and contexts can easily be manic¡pupated. But for a clergyman to publicly demand that a pope resign is in itself very telling, and pride is usually the culprit…
“I pray for Pope Francis our Holy Father every day”. He merely disagrees with certain statements the Holy Father made, like that we’re “obsessed” with abortion and “talk about it too much” or that “Catholics shouldn’t be breeding like rabbits” (Marshall has 8 kids). No Catholic should agree with those statements.
It would be better for him to first stop the Chinese-telephone-like hearsay commentary that only breeds suspicion against the Church.

As for the pope’s comment on abortion, no pope in recent history has spoken as harshly against abortion than Pope Francis, likening abortion to hiring a hitman; what Pope Francis did do is to admonish Catholics to stop reducing the Catholic Faith to only talking about abortion and homosexuality, which so often happens in the context of political discourse. As for the “breeding like rabbits” comment, that’s a clear example of the problem with the TNT show, where they build a false narrative built on something taken out of context. Read what the pope said in context about “breeding like rabbits” , and the pope is certainly right—Pope Francis even asked to excuse the expression, before he referred to the rabbit analogy while responding to the German reporter on plane. As for the pope speaking about bringing children into the world he has certainly encouraged Catholics to have large families. For example Link #1. And Link #2
I don’t see it addressing or supporting your claim that their shows are based on fake news, though.
What is the fake news that you believe they base so much of their content on?
The phenomenon of spreading global fake news via the World Wide Internet is standard practice in politics today, building a false narrative based on a comment taken out of context——For example, when democrat pundits in the U.S. take a statement made by President Trump addressing border security, they took his comments out of context to build the narrative that he called Mexicans rapists and murderers. The effect causes suspicion and hatred among the people, based on fake news.

What is so pernicious about the TNT show is that it builds on false narratives that that have festered and metastasized like a cancer infecting the body politic on both the left and the right. The “Who am I to Judge” is a good example of this.
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There is some cross referencing but I think they provide good witness and analysis of the yet-unresolved sex abuse, cover-ups with non-disclosure agreements, and financial mishandlings. $4 billion would have gone a long way on evangelization efforts.

Former cardinal Maida of Detroit committed $75 million of Detroit archdiocese funds to build a John Paiul II museum/library in washington DC while at the SAME TIME was closing catholic schools for lack of funds – is there any rationalization for this? The project ran out of money, Maida never raised the $75 million, and the building was salvaged and now owned by the Knights of Columbus.

There is no accountability for things like this, and in Chicago, there is a scandal of tens of millions of dollars missing from a fund that was supposed to have $300 million in it to run the schools (as best as I recall the story).

I don’t understand Catholics that just want to let all this go by without comment or protest. These bishops are throwing around tens of millions of dollars – where are the results? What is the effect on Mass attendance when people are looked upon as just a reservoir of money.

The pastor of my former parish was speaking seriously (nobody was laughing) when he said the problem in the parish was that all the money was in the people’s bank accounts and not in his. The local dioces has the second highest number of priests credibly accused of sexual misconduct next to the sprawling diocese of Detroit. There is just one scandal after another.

I don’t loike to have my nose rubbed in all this any more than anybody else.

Taylor Marshal formed and runs the Thomas Aquinas institute of Theology, which is his favorite professional occupation – he’d rather be evangelizing than dissecting scandals and conspiracies, but he’s one of the sharpest guys around to do just both of those at the same time.
Are you strong enough in your faith and catechesis to sort the good from the bad?
he’d rather be evangelizing than dissecting scandals and conspiracies, but he’s one of the sharpest guys around to do just both of those at the same time.
Sounds more like making a business out of gossip? Lots of book sales t-shirts and coffee mugs…
What is so pernicious about the TNT show is that it builds on false narratives that that have festered and metastasized like a cancer infecting the body politic on both the left and the right.
Unfortunately, they are not the only ones who were left confused and in doubt with regards to Pope Francis and his remarks.

Not to mention every example you used was so ambiguous that Catholic apologists, clergy and what not were constantly scrambling to explain his remarks because they knew it came off wrong.

The problem is that we aren’t talking about 1 or two isolated situations, but dozens of times the Pope has left people wondering what is he doing and what does he actually mean. Take those in context with his encyclicals and is it any wonder why Catholics are left frustrated and letdown by the Popes actions.
Unfortunately, they are not the only ones who were left confused and in doubt with regards to Pope Francis and his remarks.
Exactly. The false narratives are there confusing everyone. In context, the pope’s comments are always in the light of the gospel and the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
every example you used was so ambiguous
The problem is among people who filter his comments in the context of politics and not the gospel.
every example you used was so ambiguous that Catholic apologists, clergy and what not were constantly scrambling to explain his remarks because they knew it came off wrong.
This is the first pope in centuries who walks among the people not speaking from a throne or from prepared notes but rather amidst the people in the world. But his pectoral cross says it all. It is interesting to point out that Jesus Himself was commonly misquoted and misunderstood, and his persecutors were always the clergy and teachers of the law.
As with any famous internet personality, does listening to/reading them cause you to be outraged and angry? If so, they are not good for your spiritually.

On the other hand, if they lead you to greater love, compassion and generosity, if they bring you hope and encouragement, listen.

I do not know Dr Marshall.
The Nous Ordo Mass is a valid Mass but it has been misused – priests dressed like clowns, etc. What is that about?
I visit many many parishes and I have yet to meet a clown saying mass. If it happens it is an abuse, not the norm.

The devil enters a person’s mind and heart however he can manage, so with people in church who are not breaking the usual commandments he weasels in by putting a magnifying glass on everyone else’s faults distracting from the mass, where we are to receive truth and grace in order for service in the world. Archbishop Fulton Sheen speaks about how there are Catholics who are trapped inside a false pious cocoon separate from the world and seeking a selfish sanctification, while on the other hand there are those who are so worldly they can do nothing with the grace they receive. He speaks about it in these two brief talks everyone should listen to in order to understand Pope Francis and his mission to shepherd the Church today:
Audio #1
Audio #2
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I think he is very good, especially his New St. Thomas Institute videos.
On YouTube he has had some very good priests and apologists.
When he is with Timothy Gordon, they tend to focus on the crisis in the Church and sometimes it is difficult to hear, though I think it is wrong not to hear, know and pray about what is going on.
Do yourself a favor and do not listen to Taylor Marshall. ☹️
What does a political television show have to do with Taylor Marshall?
Oh my gosh. So Pope St. John Paul II never got out among the people. Pope Benedict XVI never got out among the people. They never spoke except from a throne or from ‘prepared notes’.

That is just staggering. Pope Francis is our Pope and he is dead on right about the devil being right out there, but he is NOT the ‘first pope in centuries’ to be ‘among the people’.

Oh my gosh. So Pope St. John Paul II never got out among the people. Pope Benedict XVI never got out among the people. They never spoke except from a throne or from ‘prepared notes’.

That is just staggering. Pope Francis is our Pope and he is dead on right about the devil being right out there, but he is NOT the ‘first pope in centuries’ to be ‘among the people’.

Again, Pope Francis’ style is much much different than his recent predecessors.
Pope’s John Paul II and Benedict XVI were great popes, producing a universal Catechism for the Universal Church, and confirming the Church in Faith and Hope; Pope Francis is confirming the flock in the faith by echoing the gospels and the Catechism, reminding the Church that the greatest of all virtues is Charity. As Archbishop he was known as one who “smelled like the sheep”, being that he was always amidst his flock, like a shepherd does, personally working with their problems and angsts, weeping and rejoicing with his flock especially among the poor, just as Jesus did. All too often the bishops of the church are shuttled around in limousines living in fancy residences with zero contact with the flock other than giving wonderful homilies and being present at church functions. On the TNT show you will hear surgically removed papal comments that are built into scandalous narratives, yet you never hear shows about the Holy Father’s daily plethora of urgent callings to sanctity. Read the gospels and notice how Jesus was constantly warning believers, especially the teachers of the law, that the message of the gospel is one of repentance and compassion, of good works and forgiveness. Not one of detraction and of mere intellectual belief, but rather about transformation of heart and charity. Why was Jesus so hard on the scribes, the priests and teachers of the law, engraved in the gospels as the only people he was harsh with? It’s not that he did not love them it is that they were blinded by their own self righteousness. Many of these people with blogs and internet shows judging and denouncing the pope apparently had recent conversions back to the faith. Instead of pointing out everyone’s sins they should remind themselves where they were not long ago, mired in the rot and filth they so quickly point out in others…
This is the first pope in centuries who walks among the people not speaking from a throne or from prepared notes but rather amidst the people in the world
Again, Pope Francis’ style is much much different than his recent predecessors.
You didn’t say he was “different”, you said he was “the first pope in centuries who walks among the people not speaking from a throne or prepared notes”. Now you’re misrepresenting what you said.

Your animus for Dr Marshall has now boiled over to the point that you’re personally attacking two Pontiffs. PLEASE STOP.
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