But was Archbishop Vigano wrong?
(Spoiler alert, he wasn’t)
Circumstances, facts and contexts can easily be manic¡pupated. But for a clergyman to publicly demand that a pope resign is in itself very telling, and pride is usually the culprit…
“I pray for Pope Francis our Holy Father every day”. He merely disagrees with certain statements the Holy Father made, like that we’re “obsessed” with abortion and “talk about it too much” or that “Catholics shouldn’t be breeding like rabbits” (Marshall has 8 kids). No Catholic should agree with those statements.
It would be better for him to first stop the Chinese-telephone-like hearsay commentary that only breeds suspicion against the Church.
As for the pope’s comment on abortion, no pope in recent history has spoken as harshly against abortion than Pope Francis, likening abortion to hiring a hitman; what Pope Francis did do is to admonish Catholics to stop reducing the Catholic Faith to only talking about abortion and homosexuality, which so often happens in the context of political discourse. As for the “breeding like rabbits” comment, that’s a clear example of the problem with the TNT show, where they build a false narrative built on something taken out of context. Read what the pope said in context about “breeding like rabbits” , and the pope is certainly right—Pope Francis even asked to excuse the expression, before he referred to the rabbit analogy while responding to the German reporter on plane. As for the pope speaking about bringing children into the world he has certainly encouraged Catholics to have large families. For example
Link #1. And
Link #2
I don’t see it addressing or supporting your claim that their shows are based on fake news, though.
What is the fake news that you believe they base so much of their content on?
The phenomenon of spreading global fake news via the World Wide Internet is standard practice in politics today, building a false narrative based on a comment taken out of context——For example, when democrat pundits in the U.S. take a statement made by President Trump addressing border security, they took his comments out of context to build the narrative that he called Mexicans rapists and murderers. The effect causes suspicion and hatred among the people, based on fake news.
What is so pernicious about the TNT show is that it builds on false narratives that that have festered and metastasized like a cancer infecting the body politic on both the left and the right. The “Who am I to Judge” is a good example of this.